Tuesday, August 3, 2010

26 weeks down!

Wow! July was a great month. It has been quite warm in Arizona this past month so we have spent a lot of time in the pool at Sabrina and Adam’s house. We’ve been working a lot on getting the nursery put together as we got the crib and a few other items to finally make it look more like a nursery. Jeremy and Mandi also came out on their long drive from California to Texas. We spent a great evening with them just catching up, playing the Wii and of course having a great meal. Then Zach and I made the trip to Texas, by plane of course! It was a great few days just spending with the family and friends. We had a lot to celebrate since Jeff turned 21, Jeremy is out of the Marines and then of course Chloe. It was also great just to have the whole family together as it isn’t very often we are all together since we are all in different cities and on different schedules. Zach and I must be doing something right because the weather was perfect in Texas, which never seems to happen when we have visited the past few summers. We spent a lot of time in the pool and around the pool which made it great as well. While we were in Texas we also had a baby shower which was so fun. A good majority of the extended family was able to make it and a lot of family friends came out for the celebration as well. We are still shipping gifts back to Arizona as we received a ton of things for Chloe. I would have to say that Chloe was definitely spoiled on her first trip to Texas. Our trip was a blast and we were so excited that we were able to find a time when all the boys were home to come out to Texas. After we got home from Texas Jenna’s dad came out to Arizona for a few days. We had a nice time laying around the pool and having an easy going visit. It was also nice for us because the monsoons came to town so we had a lot of good rains over a few days. It really cooled off the hot July.

We had our 26 week doctor’s appointment and it was not a fun one. I think it was my least favorite appointment so far. At this appointment I had to do the Glucose test to make sure I don’t have pregnancy diabetes. So I had to stay away from sugar the whole day before and couldn't eat anything the day of my test. Luckily my appointment was in the morning and I was done by 10:30am, but the even worse part was that in order for them to test my sugar levels they had to draw blood. I was not excited about this. I didn’t even try to sit in the chair I just told the lady that I don’t do well and I need to lay down or I would pass out. I did pretty well considering I didn’t pass out, but Zach said that while she was putting the needle in my arm my eyes rolled back. He had a good laugh at my expense. I don’t have the results back yet, but I’m hoping I don’t fail the test as I will have to do a 3 hour test and they will take my blood 4 times in those three hours! Other than that my appointment was normal. I am measuring at 27 weeks so I either had way too many strawberry cupcakes in Texas or Chloe is just really growing. Maybe we will have an October baby and she will have a beautiful birthstone. I’m anxious to start seeing how Chloe is measuring as the weeks go by. Just 13 weeks and 3 days to go until my due date! I can’t believe how fast the time is going.

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