Monday, July 5, 2010

22 Weeks!

No protein shakes for me! I finally gained weight and my protein is up enough so I don't have to drink any kind of nasty shake. Chloe has really started moving around as well. I've started feeling little kicks and punches and twitches. By now we are suppose to hear her heartbeat through a regular stethoscope, but we haven't tried. Zach was listening to my belly and he was convinced he could feel the pitter-patter of a little heartbeat. I wasn't convinced because how can you decipher my heartbeat from the babies. Sure he was listening at my belly and not my heart, but still. I let him believe it was Chloe's because I'm not sure it wasn't.

I also tried to have peanut butter again to see if Chloe likes it yet, but she doesn't. Zach had made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and he put a little peanut butter rather than the normal amount hoping I wouldn't taste it as much. That didn't work. I still could only think about the peanut butter and after the first bite I was just trying to get the second down. I thought that maybe if I put Cheetos in between the two pieces of bread then the peanut butter would be toned down, but I was wrong. The good news is that Chloe still really likes spicy things and McDonald's cheeseburgers so I guess if peanut butter is the one sacrifice I have to make then its worth it!

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