Thursday, November 21, 2013

Levi...Oh Levi...

Now for Levi...So here it is..really for me so I don't forget and a reminder to myself as to what makes Levi so special and why we love him SOOOOOO much.

Levi is 19 months old almost 20 months. He wants to do anything and everything that Chloe does and he thinks that he can. He is a mommy's boy. He loves his daddy, but he can be quite the mommy's boy. He loves to be outside, which obviously makes him a Batsche. He loves to jump off of anything. He gets messy with anything that he eats, I mean anything, even cereal. He loves breakfast food like bacon, pancakes, cereal, bread, fruit, etc. He gets really proud of himself when he does something new. He is very animated. He is our snuggler. He poops like 100 times a day. He has learned out to drink out of a straw and whenever he finds one he gets really really really excited. He doesn't walk he runs with his hands down at his side flapping back and forth. When we vacuum he is right behind flapping his arms like a  bird and screaming. Timeout is a useful form of disciple because he hates it. He thinks he needs a pacifier whenever he gets his diaper changed or just anytime really. He likes to get in his sister's way. He likes to wrestle with Chloe. He always says no and only shakes his head yes. His head is so large in size that he is top heavy and constantly is getting goose eggs. He likes to make silly faces and lip smacking noises. He is carefree. He wants attention. He says "Hi", "Bye", "See Ya Later" to anyone and everyone he sees. He loves to blow kisses and always has a smile on. He gets the hungry grumpies. He loves to read, I mean loves to read. He would read all day if we would let him. If someone else is reading a book he will come from a different room just to sit down and listen. He laughs all the time. Sweet and sour is a good way to describe him. When he does something he knows he shouldn't or drops something he says to himself "Levi" in a deep voice. Whenever he sees a camera he always says Cheese even if the camera isn't pointed at him. He loves to take pictures with our play camera and our phones. He doesn't stay still for long so when he does we soak up every minute. At first thought he thinks most things are green or purple, so I'm guessing it may be his favorite color. He loves to play in his daddy's old truck and sweep out the garage with the broom. If he sees his sister in time out then he goes over and stands in time out with her. He loves the water and doesn't mind if it gets in his face. He loves to swing all day long. He loves to play peek-a-boo. He loves anything bread. He giggles when he gets excited. He runs away looking backwards when he takes something from his sister or takes something he knows he isn't suppose to have. He is headstrong. He loves to climb on anything and everything. He is already fascinated by electronics and fixing things. He will be a good little helper for his daddy soon.

Levi's personality is just starting to show and I can't wait to see how he starts to really develop over the next 6-12 months. He is definitely more of a handful than Chloe was, but a good handful. At the end of the day we may be tired after chasing after him, but we love him so much and couldn't imagine him any other way. 

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