Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chloe: Here's What I Don't Want to Forget

You hear all the time how quickly the kids grow up and as it can be annoying to hear, it is true. Time flies. I keep saying I will write down things that I don't want to forget, but I keep forgetting to write them down. So here it is..really for me so I don't forget and a reminder to myself as to what makes Chloe so special and why we love her SOOOOOO much.

Chloe - she is THREE, how can it be! She loves purple. She loves to cuddle and snuggle and read books. She is an independent person who can sit quietly and play by herself for hours. She loves Disney princesses and pretty much anything Disney. She is fearless. She loves to color and use stickers and put them on anything. Although she doesn't like to go to the doctor she only cries for the initial prick of a needle for shots and then stops. When she gets nervous or really excited she doesn't really talk, but she bobs her head around with her tongue normally out and screams or squeaks. She can be loud, but on most days she is quiet as a mouse. She talks, but just in a soft tone. She loves to wrestle with her brother and chase the dogs around the house. She would rather sleep on the floor than in her bed. She wants to wear a beautiful dress (nightgown) all the time and likes to twirl around saying "look at my beautiful dress". She loves her routine almost to the point where it is frustrating for us, but that is part of her and part of me so I have a bit more patience with it than Zach. She loves her animals (stuffed dolls/animals) although she doesn't understand naming them as all her dogs are just dog or big dog, she loves them like they are her real babies. She is silly about 95% of the time and has to stick her nose in the corner a lot for being too silly. She is sympathetic. Whenever someone is sad or in trouble she is sad and wants to know what is the matter. If you tell her to use her helping hands she will do what you ask because she gets excited about her helping hands. She loves to play with trains and loves anything about trains. Even sometimes she will build a "tracker" out of books or toys and then walk on it like a train. She doesn't like to eat much unless it is fruit, cookies or a snack and she loves sprite. She loves to run around the house without any pants on just in a t-shirt. When we get home that is normally the first that she does, take her shoes, socks and pants off.  She tries to negotiate on almost anything especially when it comes to bedtime or how many animals she can take someplace. She loves to help pour things into the bowl when we cook. She doesn't have much coordination, but she loves to dance. She loves to sing. She loves to read the Bible and her Bible has to sleep with her in her bed. Her 3 favorite stories are Adam & Eve, Noah & Ark, and Jesus Birth or as she calls Christmas. She can get overwhelmed easily and just watch the chaos like she is studying for a research project. She likes to walk around the house reading books to herself, like Belle she says, and normally the stories are always about creation. Her prayers are soft and normally for anything and everyone that she can think of and they normally end with thank you for everything and Jesus, Amen, lets eat. When she doesn't want to eat she will want to give out hugs and kisses to everyone and say "I just love you". She talks about the kids in her school and her teachers Ms. Mary & Ms Beth all the time. Her imagination is HUGE. She LOVES Christmas and anything about Christmas. She loves to pick out marshmallows in Lucky Charms cereal.

Chloe's phrases: "I just told you." - this is when we ask her to repeat something or try to confirm something with her.
 "Never" - sometimes she gets in a mood and decides her answer for everything is never
"What's gonna happen?" - this is what she asks all the time during a movie or cartoon, she knows what is going to happen because she's seen it 100 times.
"Mom/Dad can you get your son!' - when she wants Levi out of her toys or wherever she is playing.
"2 Minutes" - this is her sense of time. Everything is two minutes.

This is just a little piece of who Chloe is and a big piece of what I don't want to forget. I am so Thankful that she was our first child and that she is my daughter. Sometimes I secretly wish she was just like me and then when she is I wish she was more like her daddy :)

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