Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Princess, A Prince and A Monster?

I'll be honest I dread Halloween. I don't really know why, but I always dread it. I'm sure I loved it as a kid, but now I worry about if our pumpkins will get smashed or our house egged or some super creepy person trying to rob you while trick-or-treating. I have unrealistic ideas on what will happen on Halloween, but I don't like it. It is hard because Zach for some reason loves it. When we were first married he wanted to put out the orange and black lights like you would for Christmas and he had to dress up to give out candy or he was the one scaring the older trick-or-treaters. Then when we had Chloe it was a little better because rather than being scary he wanted to dress up with her so that was a nice change. The first year they were Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse the second year they were Dorothy and the Scarecrow. After last year I told him that one of these days she isn't going to want to dress up in a matching costume with him, but of course until then he is dressing up and then I'm sure he will still dress up to take her around the neighborhood.

So this year it was a big debate on what they were going to be. The initial idea was for Chloe to be Tinker Bell, Levi Peter Pan and Zach Captain Hook, but Chloe had an idea of her own. She wanted to be Snow White so we thought Zach and Levi could be two of the dwarfs. Do you know how hard it is to try and find a costume or make something to look like a dwarf? It was hard. Then Chloe wanted all three of them to be princesses. Yea, I don't think so. So we decided to take her to the store to pick out a costume and she wanted to be Sofia from the Disney Jr cartoon. Okay, they could all be Disney Jr. characters. So after going to two stores to find her size she changed her mind and again wanted to be Snow White. At this point I told Zach that she could be Snow White and then Levi could be a Minion from Despicable Me and that Zach could be Gru. I mean how hard would those be to find. So we picked up the Snow White Costume and realized that Levi was in a size that they don't really have great costumes for because he is too small for the toddler but too big for the baby costumes. So we were going to make Levi's Minion costume rather than buy it and surely Zach had everything for Gru. After searching around and trying to figure out how to make Zach and Levi's costumes I decided this was silly and told Zach that maybe this year we just get Levi a costume and Zach not go as anything because it was going to be too expensive. Remember how I said Zach loves Halloween and dressing up, so you can imagine he was a bit depressed by this.

I finally decided just to go to the store myself and try to find a costume that would work for Levi. I found Mike from Monster's inc. It would be perfect on him because he loves the movie and even though it was in a bigger size it didn't look big. So I came home and showed Zach and I could tell he was a little upset still about not being able to dress like the kids. I felt bad because this would be like telling me we couldn't put lights on the house. So I rummaged through the house and the closet  and put together a costume for Zach. I thought for sure he would hate the home made look, but he was so excited. He actually said I did a good job. So he went as Snow White's Prince. All was well for this Halloween.
Waiting for it to be time to go trick-or-treating

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