Monday, April 8, 2013

The Bunny Hop...Hop...Hop

Easter 2013 was much different than Easter 2012. Last year we spent Easter in visiting Levi in the hospital and I was an emotional wreck as I was visiting my son in the NICU and missing all the Easter traditions with Chloe. This year it was much more laid back and relaxed. 

We woke up in the morning and went to church then came home and while Levi took a little nap, Chloe and I made some Easter cookies. Chloe really likes to decorate the cookies. She would sprinkle all the sprinkles, normally in one place on the cookie, and constantly line up the sprinkle containers putting the lids on and off. After we made two trays and were waiting for them to bake I thought it would be a good idea to pre-cut some cookies out of the dough so we could just put them on the cookie sheet and they would be ready for her to decorate. Chloe, however, had another idea. She decided she was going to roll out the dough and cut some cookies herself. No big deal...right...I gave her our little roller and gave her some dough. I showed her how to use the rolling pin and she watched me as I floured the pin and dusted teh dough with flour. She then decided the dough needed more flour...and then some more...and then some more. As I was taking the cookies out of the oven and letting them cool she had flour EVERYWHERE! She has very pale skin and the flour just made it even whiter...if that is even possible. She had fun and that's all that mattered. Once she found the flour and the rolling pins the sprinkles and decorating went out the window. She just wanted to play. So I let her. 
Chloe excited for her Minnie Mouse sucker ring
Chloe after playing in the flour..the dress was bright orange
Chloe and her rolling pin
After we had some lunch we played outside and then both kids took a nap and we went over to Zach's parents' house. We had a little Easter egg hunt, which Chloe was very excited for and Levi could really care less about. Chloe was excited to find all the eggs and Levi was excited for the few eggs he "found", but more excited about the Swedish Fish and Sour Gummy Worms he had in his eggs to eat. After all the eggs were found Chloe would still walk around the yard in the same areas that she had previously found eggs and would ask "more eggs?" She had a great time and this was the first year she actually understood and enjoyed the egg hunt. We then had a great dinner and time visiting with the family and spending a lot of time enjoying the nice evening outside.
Ready for the hunt
Yep...he walked right past that little green egg
Yummy plastic egg

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