Sunday, April 21, 2013

Adventures with Mama and Papa

My parents came to visit for a five days over Levi's birthday. The time just flew by us. Chloe was very excited and whenever we would talk about Levi's birthday she would remind us that Mama and Papa...well really just Mama was coming. My mom had told her over her last visit she would be back over Levi's birthday and I guess that just stuck with her. 

I had a lot of things that I wanted to do, but the weather didn't always cooperate. We are in Texas now so I can't assume that the weather will be a certain way because it never is consistent. Even though the weather didn't always cooperate we still had a great time and were able to do a lot of fun things.

They came in on a Wednesday so we took it easy as it was rainy outside and then we went over to the mall after nap time for a quick cruise around the mall, some dinner and of course the round and round up and down. That is a must stop for the kids. On Thursday it was still a little rainy outside and chilly so we went to one of those bounce houses. It was basically a big room that had over 10 inflatable slides, obstacle courses, jumpers. I wasn't sure how the kids would like it, but they loved it. Levi really liked bouncing around and going down the slides and Chloe was just running from one to the next or when she was on one she liked, such as the slide, she would just go up and down the slide. It was a great way to get the kids energy out and there was hardly anyone else there so that was nice. Friday was the first nice day and of course that happened to be the golf day because there is no way that golf plans would be ruined by the weather. So the guys met up with Zach's dad and went to play golf while mom and I took the kids on a stroll to McDonald's for some lunch and then headed back for some outside play. Then after golf and the kids nap we met up with the guys and Zach's mom for some dinner at Texas Roadhouse for Levi's birthday. He did not however ride on the saddle because someone a few tables down had a birthday and he cried while they were doing the whole birthday thing because of how loud it was. So we passed on that. 
Chloe using the phones while we were waiting at the airport for Mama and Papa
Levi and Papa on the Mall Carousel
Sliding down one of the big inflatable slides
Chloe of course riding the Tiger
Saturday was going to be a busy day and probably the day I was looking forward to the most. We had tickets to Disney on Ice in the morning and then it was Levi's birthday party in the evening. The day started off great. We had a big yummy breakfast of bacon, eggs and pancakes and then we were off to the show. Chloe had been pretty stuffed up, but no fever or anything so she was good to go. We were about half way to Dallas and then she started screaming and here it came...first just a bunch of mucus out her mouth and then there were the chunks. I told Zach to pull over so we could assess the damage and get cleaned up. She was a mess...the car seat was a mess and the truck stunk! She was crying and confused and we were trying to clean her up with wipes, a burp rag and some water. We spent about 10 minutes trying to clean her up and then realized that we would need to go and get her a new outfit if we had any intentions on on going to Disney on Ice still. So I grabbed my phone and looked up where the nearest Target was, only about 3 miles away. I knew I could run in and out really quick. So we loaded the truck back up and headed to Target. We soon realized that this "Target" was no longer and it was now a hair and beauty store...we were in Dallas so it made sense. So we knew that there was a mall near by and so my dad and I ran into the mall while Zach and my mom continued to clean up Chloe and the truck. After what felt like forever we finally found two outfits for Chloe just in case it happened again and booked it out of the store. We got Chloe fixed back up and made our way to Disney on Ice. 

I was so excited for Disney on Ice because that was something that we always did when we were younger as a family so I was happy to be able to have my kids experience that as well. This Disney on Ice really focused on Beauty and the Beast, which is one of Chole's favorites and it also had a lot of Tangled (Rapunzel) and The Little Mermaid, which are also favorites of Chloe's. So by the time we go there we only missed one song of the opening. We got there just in time and Chloe had perked up to her old self. We aren't sure what made her get sick, but it must have been just an upset stomach. At intermission my mom went and got Chloe a snow cone, which was also my favorite part when I was younger because of the cool souvenir cup it would come in. Chloe of course chose a Belle cup. My mom wasn't sure how the sugary snow cone would fare on Chloe's stomach, but we had to try. After probably a good 30 minutes or so that snow cone was gone and Chloe and my mom's legs were both soaked from the spill-over. Levi also had a great time. While Chloe stayed glued to my mom's lap, Levi bounced around from me, Zach and my dad. He liked the lights and singing and the second half after he had some lunch he really perked up jumping around and clapping and laughing and dancing. It was a hit for both kids. 
The family enjoying Disney on Ice
Chloe enjoying her snow cone at Disney on Ice
As you can see Levi enjoyed the show too!
Sunday was our last day and it was halfway nice so we made the trip out to the zoo. Chloe had to pull Levi in the wagon pretty much the entire time and most of the time only Mama could help her, if anyone was allowed to help her at all! She pulled that wagon around and around the zoo and hardly would let go. 
Chloe was taking a break from pulling Levi and let Papa pull for a bit. Levi was talking about which way to go.
The trip wasn't all about the kids. My family is all about games. We love to play games, card games especially, but this trip Zach and I taught my parents Mexican Train Dominoes. We would play every night after the kids went down to sleep. The first night I dominated, but then surprisingly enough Zach won every other time. My mom said it was a game that you didn't need strategy and I told her that is why she never won :) 

It it always hard to say good-bye, but that time always comes. Even though we were going to see them again in about 8 weeks it was still hard to see them go. We are always grateful for the time that we are able to spend together and we always look forward to the next time. It was a great visit. About a week after they left Chloe informed me that Mama was coming to sleep at her house in 3 sleeps. She was a little off, but she can hope I guess.

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