Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Time and Silly Kids

The weather has been beautiful. A little up and down, but for most of March it has been pretty great. We have spent a lot of time outside playing, taking walks and we just got a bike seat for Chloe so now we can take bike rides. I love this weather. I hope it stays and doesn't turn cold again. 
Trying to get Chloe to learn what smiling for the camera means...take 1

Take 2
Take 3
The wind in her hair :)
This is how we found Levi. He figured out how to get out of his straps and stand and swing himself. He was really happy about it, but I was not to excited about it.
We also were able to spend an evening with Nana and Grandpa (Zach's grandparents). It was nice to be able to sit around and visit with them and see how well the kids took to them. Levi went right up to Grandpa and would let him hold him. While we were at the dinner table whenever Nana would leave the table and Chloe would keep asking for her to come back in. She liked playing with Nana.
Chloe and Levi with Nana and Grandpa
Oh and the whole Daylight Savings Time we had to do has not been too bad. I now get home and there is still time to go out in the light. I do think that changing time in the Fall is pointless so I was happy to gain back the hour that was lost. Why do we change time anyways... 

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