Monday, April 8, 2013

Levi's 1st Birthday!

This year has flown by so fast! I would probably say that every year, but this year just seemed to fly by. I can't believe that a year ago we were in the hospital having the absolute worst time I could have ever imagined. Maybe it was my clouded judgment or something, but I can remember Chloe's birth and in my head it was like roses and butterflies the way that we were taken care of. Not with my mind and how I will always remember it is that it was the worst hospital experience I've ever had and I don't want to experience that again. Don't get me wrong they took great care of Levi in the NICU, but for Zach and I it was like we were in the dark forgotten red headed step-children area. No matter how bad it was, it was worth it. At the end of the day, and after a few days after that we were able to bring home Levi our little red headed bundle of joy. 

He has just grown so much and I can't believe how much of a little boy he is. He loves to be outside and play in the dirt, putting everything in his mouth. He loves to chase his sister and do pretty much anything and everything that Chloe does. He is a talker. He jibber jabbers all day long and "reads" books to himself. We took him to the doctor on his birthday (I know we are the best parents for that) and he is just over 19lbs and just over 29 inches long. He is only in the 10th percentile for weight, 59th percentile for height and 90th percentile for head size. So as our doctor said...he is top heavy so prepare for a lot of bumps on his head. At the doctor he was also given the go ahead for whole milk and regular table food. So we let him have at it. He is going to be an eater...or at least until he gets tired of regular food. Levi has taken to whole milk and regular food much better than Chloe did, or maybe we just know what to do this time around.
Believe it or not this is one of my favorite first photos of Levi...I still remember the sterile smell of the NICU and how oddly comforting it was.
And here he is now...what a face!
Just like his daddy...all boy
Quite a little daredevil
Besides going to the doctor we kind of took it easy. The weather was nice so we played outside and took a walk to my favorite place...McDonalds for lunch. Then my dad and Zach met up with Zach's dad for a round of golf and we all met up with Zach's mom for dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Levi of course had to partake in some yummy rolls, which he enjoyed. No saddle this year for him, as when a table a few away from us had a birthday Levi screamed because of how loud it was. Maybe next year. We had Levi's birthday party on Saturday. It was really laid back just a small little party with family. Levi was showing off all his talents and really dove into his cupcake. 

We had a great little birthday celebration with him and I'm hoping that he continues to be a good eater and I'm very thankful that after two and a half years I can officially say we are a house without formula. There's an extra $50 in our if only we can get the kids out of diapers...
Don't worry Daisy got some cupcake too...

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