Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Move

October was a great month. We moved into our new home, went for a visit to Indy and went Trick-or-treating. Lets start with the house. We love our new home. It suits us very well and both Zach and I feel that we've lived here forever. We are very comfortable.

I was a little nervous what Chloe would think the first night in the house and if she would be scared or confused or what she would think since we had been living with Zach's parents for the past few months. Chloe is still in her crib, but I went ahead and bought her some toddler bedding because it is the same size as crib bedding and we needed a blanket for her. In Arizona she never slept with a blanket on her because it was never cold enough to have a blanket on. So while we were staying with Zach's parents she had a blanket there that Chloe used and so I wanted to make sure and get her a blanket of her own. I of course picked out a Minnie Mouse set because she LOVES Minnie Mouse. I was all prepared to bribe her with her blanket for sleeping at the new house, but I didn't have to. I had asked her the Sunday morning of our first night at the house if she wanted to sleep at the new house and she simply said "I do". That was easy. I remember driving to our new house after picking up the kids at Zach's parents' house and when we turned off of the highway onto the road by our house she said "go new house". It made me smile because not only was she okay with the fact that we were going to the new house and she understood it was not her grandparents' house, but she also was aware of her surroundings and used landmarks so she would know her way. That is how I would remember to get places. So it made me smile and I thought, yep, she's my daughter.

So the first night went great both kids had no issues and the dogs didn't have any issues. The dogs were really quiet even though there are dogs all around us and a yappy dog behind us that try to get in our yard under the fence. Chloe has never had any issues and whenever she asks if Grammie or Grumpy are here when we tell her, "no they are at their house" she just moves on and accepts it. I've always told Zach that we can determine Chloe's mood by her dancing. She loved to dance in Arizona. It didn't matter if we were out in public or at home, once the music started she danced. It took her a little bit to start dancing again in Texas. I think just with all the change. She would dance, but not like she use to. After we were here for about a month and a half she started dancing again. I knew it was a transition for her and it  made me really happy that she was happy and adjusted so it made me a little nervous for the move, but day one she was dancing.
You may be wondering, wow she worries about Chloe a lot, what about Levi....I can say that I didn't worry about him at all. He's too young to know where he is. He's happy all the time. Sleeping through the night and being mischievous no matter where he is.

We didn't have to do a lot of work on the house like we did our Arizona house. He did some minimal painting and a few other cosmetic things, but we were moved in...well at least sleeping in the house the week after we closed. We are still unpacking and trying to figure out what goes where, but its all coming along and I can't wait to put my Christmas tree up and use the fireplace this winter!

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