Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Indy Trip

I've been looking forward to this trip to Indiana for a long time. I was even more excited starting about a month before the trip because I found out Sabrina and Allie were going to be there too. We had concocted up this surprise for my parents to have Sabrina and Allie come in for a few days while we were all there. I was nervous because Sabrina has diarrhea of the mouth (she can't keep a secret) and Christina is not a good liar. We pulled it off though. My mom and dad had no idea! We never get to surprise them so we were all very excited to be able to do this.
The week was filled with stuffing our faces with good food, enjoying a lot of family time and catching up with some good friends. I think we had Pizza King (the best pizza in the world, sorry Dave) about three times. We were only there from Saturday to Thursday. And I even brought home some left over pizza. I didn't share it either. I ate it all in a few days. We also had some great Strawberry Pie from Gray Brothers and a great dinner of course from there too. Oh and how could I forget I got some white Queso from the little Mexican restaruarnt. I still haven't figured out what kind of cheese it is, but it is only in the Midwest (not including Texas). Like I said we had some great food.
Chloe & Ella
While Sabrina and Allie were there we went to the park for the kids to play, let the kids run around at my parents house and play, went to the zoo and had our extended family out for a visit as well. They were only there from Saturday to Monday so we packed as much time for play in as we could. Chloe also got her first haircut while Sabrina was there. We had noticed her mullet style hairdo and there were a few people who have confused her with a boy because of her "mullet". So Sabrina looked up what to do to fix her hair and all sources pointed to cutting her hair into a bob. So with a little bribery from sour gummy worms she sat there and got her hair cut for the first time. It was fun while they were there and it was hard to see them go back to Arizona. Chloe kept asking for Allie after she left and everytime we would tell her that she is in Arizona.

Zach and I were also able to catch up with some of friends, which as always was awesome. Then Chloe and my friend's daughter Ella had a play date. We were suppose to go to the park for the kids to run around, but it rained all day so we just stayed at my parents house and let the girls play. It was fun to get the girls together and to catch up ourselves.

One night when it was just my parents and the four of us we went out to this BBQ place, because I love BBQ so much, and my parents saw a side of Chloe they hadn't seen the trip. Chloe can be shy and when there are a lot of people around she just minds her own business and plays by herself as quiet as a mouse. But there weren't a lot of people because it was just the six of us and boy did she think she was funny. She was hyper and silly and just funny. She was her normal self to us, but a side my parents hadn't seen. While we were walking out of the restaurant I said well meet Chloe and then my mom quickly said, "I think I have met her before, but her name was Jenna." Yep, she's my daughter.
We met my grandparents at Gray Brothers for dinner with my parents and Christina, Phil, Sydney and Carter for some wonderful dinner. Then on the way home we stopped by a pumpkin patch for the kids to get pumpkins to paint. It was fun. It had been raining that day so it was a little muddy, but it wasn't bad. The kids all picked out pumpkins even Levi. Chloe really likes pumpkins. Later that evening once all the kids went to bed Christina came back over and we played some Hearts. It was fun, I haven't played hearts in years. I'm pretty sure I won the champion of champions game, but I don't remember so I'm going to take that as I definitely won!
On our last full day we had it jam packed. We first went down to my grandparents house and spent some time visiting with them and the kids were playing. Chloe wasn't much of a talker, but she did give out hugs and kisses so I look at it as it was a success. Then we headed to Pizza King to eat. If you have never been there it is set up with a train theme and there is a little train that delivers your drinks to you. I knew Chloe would love it because she loves the trains at the church we were going to in Texas. When we got there the manager ran the trains a few extra times just so the kids could see it. She got so excited and gasp when she saw the train. It was cute. She even ate their pizza. She hasn't ever actually eaten pizza before. She will want to try it but never actually eats it, but she actually ate a piece.I was plesantly surprised, but I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised since it is the best pizza in the world! After pizza we went down to the square and walked around looking at the scarecrow displays that people had put up and walked to the DQ to get some ice cream. And wouldn't you know it they painted it and added in a drive through...how dare they...hahaha. Then we went home and put the kids down for a nap. After nap we ran over to my grandma's house for a quick visit and came back to my parents for some dinner, painting pumpkins and roasting marshmellows. Chloe wasn't too interested in the roasting marshmellows she was too busy pushing her stroller and babies around the backyard while Carter and Sydney chased her and each other with their strollers. Like I said our last day was jam packed!
Levi trying to make a jump for it!
We came back definitely with more than what we went with. My mom saved everything from when us girls were little. I didn't realize what all she saved. Before we came out I asked if she would pull out some of my Barbie cars and my Barbie dollhouse if she still had it. We were thinking of getting Chloe a car for her "dolls" for her birthday and also possibly a dollhouse for Christmas so I wanted to try it out. I don't want to brag, but Chloe had quite the choice of vehicles to choose from. She had a convertible, jeep, hot rod, van and who could forget the motor home. Chloe loved the motor home for her "dolls" to ride in. She didn't care too much about the house so case solved...she is ready for a car and not a dollhouse. And lucky for us my mom said we could take anything back so we brought the motor home back with us. My mom also brought out some of my old cabbage patch dolls and strollers. She had cleaned them up and washed their clothes and brought them out for Chloe to play with. Of course Chloe fell in love with them so we brought three of those home as well. So our suitcase was a little full and we had to bring another bag back as well to get everything in. 

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