Friday, October 5, 2012

Finally Fall

October is going to be a busy month. We are moving into our new place...YAY! We are getting ready for a trip to Indy...YAY! And then of course there is Halloween...YAY! Oh and how could I forget the cooler weather and change of season...YAY!

A quick update for what has been going on. Levi now has two bottom front teeth and I think I felt some top teeth this evening. He is eating oatmeal and LOVING it. I came home from work a few days ago and he was fussy, when I asked why Zach said it was because he was upset his oatmeal was gone. He is also "crawling". I put it in quotes because it is more like a frog leap. He gets up on his knees and then leaps forward and does it over and over again until he reaches whatever he wants. It is really funny to watch and he can get wherever he wants to go. When we sees something that he likes he goes really fast. Its cute. He is also fascinated with the dogs and his sister. He could be entertained for hours by just watching his sister or the dogs.He is just a bundle of energy that doesn't stop talking. We can't really go to restaurants because he talks so much and is so loud that I feel bad for the people around us. He likes to hear himself talk and yell and scream and make any noise that he possibly can.

Chloe is just as full of energy as ever. She still spends a lot of time in the corner, but is getting better and now when we ask her if she needs to go in the corner she says "no no nose in corner" and then does what we ask her to do. She has her moments of being testy, but I would still consider her to be a great kid....of course she is my child, but still. She loves her animals and baby. She has some small stuffed animals that she mothers. They are always with her and she has quite an imagination with them. Whatever Chloe does either baby or one of her animals has to do. If Chloe is having water pretty soon one of her animals is having water. I could just sit and watch her play for hours like Levi could. She also loves her brother. She likes to help with him whenever she can. Chloe loves to go to the park and go on the "slide slide". Although once we get to the park she will go down maybe once and then is fascinated by watching all the other kids play. She is quite the observer. We went to a park a few weeks ago and there was a little boy probably 3 years old and he was calling Chloe baby and she was calling him baby. They didn't realize that they were essentially both babies. The little boy would also tell her good job every time she walked up a step. It was cute.
Chloe and her winter coat
Silly Chloe!
Levi wrapped himself up like a burrito playing outside.
Chloe and her "baby" Minnie Mouse
Levi playing with Hank
Chloe chasing the camera
Four Generations of Batsches
Levi enjoying his oatmeal
We are all doing great and once we are in the house a new update about the house will come, but for now enjoy the quick update and photos!

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