Sunday, November 11, 2012

Already TWO!!!

Enjoying some ketchup...I've held her off long enough.
I was not going to let this post be late. I can't believe that Chloe is already two years old. She has been such a blessing to our lives and I can't imagine life without her. She brings so much joy to us and it makes us see things in a completely different way. I often find myself just watching her in amazement for a few reason. The first is that I can't believe how big she is and second I can't believe what a miracle life is. I often find myself starting off conversations to Zach with..."Do you know what I love most about Chloe." Then I go on and tell him whatever I think is so great about her at that time. Today I did just that. I gave her a twizzler (her favorite candy) and it was an individually wrapped twizzler. So I asked  her if she wanted to take it out of the wrapper. Her face lit up and she smiled after she pulled it out. She was so proud of herself after she pulled it out and that is when I turned to Zach and said..."Do you know what I love most about Chloe." he then said "everything". My response was well of course, but then I said that I love her joy for life and how she appreciates the small things. I just hope that she can continue to hold on to the small things as she continues to grow. She is such a sweet, silly, smart, imaginative, playful and caring two year ol
d. She gets excited when she does something on her own and she gets excited for things like flushing the toilet. I love her and her mischievous looks and facial expressions. I can always see what she is thinking by the expression on her face. She is an observer and a problem solver. I love that I see so much of myself in her and I see the fearlessness of her father. I can't believe that two years ago we were in the hospital not really knowing what to expect. I can say that I never imagined the kind of love we would have for her and I would have never planned out things how they have happened. I wouldn't change anything.
We celebrated Chloe's birthday with a trip to the zoo with her Grumpy and Grammie, a good nap and then her great grandparents, Zach's parents and Jeff and Karlie coming over for some dinner and ice cream cake. It was a great day. My heart was full. Then today we took Chloe to Build A Bear so she could make her own stuffed animal. A great weekend filled with birthday celebration!

Hooked up to the truck in new wagon & ready for the Zoo.

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