Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So I've had this fear or this great worry about contractions. I would ask the doctors and they would all tell me different things or they would say that "you'll just know" when I ask what contractions feel like and what to expect. I've asked pretty much everyone I come in contact with what to expect and everyone has told me differently. I know that all women and pregnancies are different, but I think someone should make a "contraction simulator" so that way they can help show you what to expect. I'm sure Zach is tired of me saying do you think that was a contraction or do you think that if I had pain here and tightness there then that is a contraction.

The good news is that I went to the doctor today and she asked if I was having contractions and I said I think so. I explained to her the feeling I was having and then she said that I was probably have contractions. I felt a little triumphant to know that I was correct in my thinking, but what really just sealed the deal was while she was measuring my belly and taking Chloe's heartbeat she started pressing on my belly and said "Do you think you are having a contraction now?" I told her that I thought I was but it wasn't really painful just a lot of pressure and discomfort and that was what I've been feeling from time to time each day. And then she said it. She said "Yes, that is a contraction". I guess when she was pressing on my belly to measure she noticed how hard my belly was and that I was having a contraction. So now I know what to expect and I know what to look for when they become more regular.

Now don't panic. They are not regular by any means. I had about 4 in a 30 minute period today and then didn't have any for another hour or so, but the doctor said I could go any time. I still didn't have her check to see if I was dilated because I thought that would freak me out even more if I found out I was dilated even though I know you can be dilated for weeks. I can't believe I just have 2 weeks and 2 days left! Let's hope Chloe isn't as stubborn as her mom or she may stay in there forever!

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