Thursday, November 11, 2010

The big day!

Well the big day finally arrived. We had gone to the doctor on Thursday November 4th and set up to be induced on Monday November 8th at 11pm. We had to call an hour before our appointment to make sure there was a bed available for us, and of course there wasn't. They were hoping to have one available early morning, but 6am Tuesday came around and still nothing available. It was a frustrating day as we didn't know when they were going to call or if they were even going to get us in on Tuesday.

Finally around 1:15pm on Tuesday they said they would have a room available for us within an hour and to go ahead and start heading to the hospital. So we packed our bags and headed that way. We thought surely Chloe would arrive Tuesday evening or early Wednesday morning. We didn't realize the long hours we were about to endure. By 3:30pm I was all set up and having contractions 2-3 mins apart, but still not dilated. They gave me some medicine to help with the dilation before they could give me the epidural or the pitocin to really start the dilation. I was to take this every 4 hours for the next 16 hours!!! That is when we knew it may be a long night.
Around 6:30pm on Tuesday my nurse came in and checked my vitals and she noticed that my face was really red. I wasn't hot or anything, but she was nervous I was having some kind of reaction to the medicine. So as a precaution and since my contractions were so close together they decided not to give me any more of the medicine. Around 9pm on Tuesday I was just at 2 cm dilated, but because of my contractions my doctor decided to give some kind of medicine that made me loopy and was a pain medicine so she could try to break my water. That was still really painful so she decided to hold off a bit and see if she could get my epidural early. Around 11pm the anaesthesiologist gave me my epidural. I thought it was going to be so painful, but it wasn't that bad. The numbing needle was worse than the epidural. Because of the loopy medicine and my fear of needles I started to feel a little light headed, which in turn made Zach feel a little woosie as well.

So after the epidural my doctor was able to break my water and boy did it come gushing. It was funny because she would think it was done and then more would just come spilling out. With my water broken and the epidural my doctor was able to put in a different kind of monitor to better show my contractions. Once that monitor was in they realized that my contractions weren't as strong as the belly monitor was showing. Now it was time for pitocin, but there was only one more issue. My oxygen level dropped and my blood pressure dropped and once they were able to get me stable then Chloe's levels started to drop as well. It took another few hours to get both of us stable enough for pitocin. At 4am on Wednesday they gave me my first dose of pitocin. Yay! Now it shouldn't be too much longer.

It was now 11am on Wednesday and I was stuck at 4 cm dilated. My doctor now said that if I didn't start to progress soon that we would need to start talking about a c-section. That must have done the trick because by about 12:30pm I was at a 5 and then around 1:45pm I was at a 9! That is when the anxiety really started to kick in because my nurse started to get the room ready for the doctor and I felt that Chloe was just going to fall out before the doctor was in the room. It wasn't until about 4:15pm on Wednesday that they started having me push because they wanted Chloe to do most of the work. It worked because at 4:28pm on Wednesday November 10th Chloe had arrived to the world. She was 19 1/2 inches long and weighed in at 6lbs and 14 ozs.

I was exhausted and really thirsty, but it was all worth it. I had been in bed for about 26 hours only having ice chips, but once we saw Chloe it was all worth it.

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