Saturday, March 16, 2013

Girls Just Want to Have Fun....

Chloe had her first sleepover! Alemitu and Sabrina came for a long weekend to Texas and the girls had one long sleepover. Now they didn't sleep in the same bed or even same room, but I would still count it as a sleepover. It was all play all day! They came in on Friday late afternoon and left on Monday evening. We had so much fun. We really didn't do a whole lot, but hung out together talking, laughing, obsessing and just enjoying the loud house....I mean it was loud at some points. But all worth it! The weather wasn't the best so we pretty much stayed around the house, but the girls didn't care they had each other and had a blast playing together.

The girls are so different in so many ways, but they both have a whole lot of attitude. Our first night we were sitting at dinner and Chloe would tell Alemitu to chew her food and drink her milk. They weren't here but a few hours and Chloe was already trying to tell her who was boss. The girls get along great and love playing with each other, but they are trouble together. They both spent time in time out throughout the weekend. There was lots of candy and sugar going through their systems. Levi tried to join in, but he was often chasing after them rather than being included in the fun.
Believe it or not this is actually a hug, not a tackle :)
Trying to get the girls to stop jumping on the bed and take a picture...they won
Silly girls
To a new bed to jump on!
Picking "flowers" and playing in the yard.
Playing on the slide with their doggies
You may not know the significance of this photo...however...this is BIG that Alemitu would get this close to Daisy let alone pet her. Had to share this as it use to be if Daisy was within 10 feet Alemitu would scream.
Holding hands walking to the truck to go on the round and round up and down.
Chloe getting her 2nd haircut..she was very serious and would not smile.
Levi did get into some of the fun
It was a great weekend and made me really miss Phoenix. It was really hard to see them go and even harder to hear Alemitu try to beg Sabrina to stay with Chloe. It is nice to know that we will see them again in June, but still it was extremely hard to see them go.

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