Saturday, August 25, 2012

Overdue Update

I'm a little behind on all my updates and posts, but I guess that is what happens when you have a 4 month old and a 21 month old! Levi is 4 months old now and went to his new doctor in Texas. We asked around to just a handful of people and they all pretty much went to the same pediatrician office. Each used a different doctor at the practice so we knew it would be good.

He was given a good clean bill of health. He weighs 14lbs 3.5 oz and is the 28th percentile for weight. He is 25.5 inches long and in the 64th percentile. Growing like a weed. He is a talker too. He talks constantly. He is a pretty happy boy for the most part. I just can't believe how big he is. We are now going to be starting him on some rice cereal too. We are starting to let him cry it out a little bit at night time and that is rough as we are in the same room with him, but its what needs to happen so we are starting to do it.

Chloe is also just crazy. She is starting her "terrible twos" and spends a few minutes a day in time out. We were doing time out in her crib with the lights off because she didn't like it, but then she realized she could jump in her bed and it became a game, so we switched to making her sit on the couch or a chair and sit still without talking or moving, but Zach thought she was getting too comfortable so she is now doing her time out by standing in the corner facing the wall. It is the saddest thing for me, but she responds to this the best so that is what we will keep doing. She is good for the most part and really silly, but we still have to reign her in a bit.

She loves to play outside and swing. She loves the dogs and well she is almost two and she just loves life. She mimics everything and enjoys putting things together or trying to figure out how things work. She is hit and miss on what and when she likes to eat, unless it is twizzlers or Cheetos or fruit then she would just eat those all day everyday. She is really fun and I like to just sit back and watch her figure things out and just play.

The kids are doing great, we are doing great and the dogs are doing great. Not much more we can ask for. Enjoy all the pictures!
Chloe and Zach at the Zoo
Levi playing with Great PaPa

Zach and his "nephew" Barret

Yes, that is her nose in the corner

This was suppose to be a bear for Chloe from her Great PaPa, but Levi kind of stole it from her.

Chloe did her own hair :)

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