Well we made it to Texas. It was almost an 1100 mile trek and even though it took about 22 hours to complete it didn't seem all too long. We had a 26ft Uhaul, our F150 towing Zach's 1963 F100 and then our Expedition. I drove the Expedition most of the way with the two kids. We started the trip off slow as our plan was to leave by 3pm, but that quickly turned into about 3:45 which wasn't all that bad. We stopped at the gas station to fill up before getting on the interstate and something prompted Zach's dad and brother to look under the hood of the Uhaul. They discovered that there was no cap on the coolant. So we drove across the street to the auto parts store and needed the make/model of the Uhaul to get the correct cap. The Uhaul service helpline was useless so we had to make our best guess based on what we saw in the Uhaul. Somehow this slowed us down by about an hour.
We got on the interstate right about when rush hour started and
within 45 minutes Levi was screaming his head off and Chloe had dumped a
brand new bag of pretzels on the floor of the Expedition so I decided I
would pull off and feed both of them and then catch up with the rest of
the caravan on the first planned stop. This dinner was crazy. We
stopped at McDonald's and they didn't have any available high chairs so
while I was feeding Levi Chloe had free range in the booth. She sat
nicely in her seat and ate a few pieces of her cheeseburger then
realized that I was preoccupied with feeding Levi so she decided to put
on a show. She first started by just standing in the booth and looking
out the window, then she got bored and decided to sit on the table, then
a few minutes later she wanted to just get up and down off of the booth
seat, and then finally for her grand finale she climbed on the table
and stood up and started dancing. She thought it was funny and I was
overwhelmed and just could imagine what everyone else was thinking...
can't this lady get control of her child.
I did my best and finally loaded everyone in the vehicle and took off
down the road. The rest of the trip was smooth sailing. We left late in
the afternoon so the kids would sleep most of the way. This worked for
the most part. Chloe actually was getting a bit upset and then she found
one of Levi's pacifiers. Normally I would not let her have it, but in
this case I was okay with the fact that she had one of his 7 pacifiers
that were in the car because it kept her occupied and entertained rather
than fussing and bored. Chloe did have a hard time staying asleep as
she would fall asleep and then when her head would fall down it would
wake her up or if the sun hit her face it would wake her up. She did
good though. When we finally made it to Zach's parents house when his
mom opened Chloe's door it was like a flood of snacks came pouring out.
Chloe had spilled the entire bag of pretzels along with some cereal and
crackers. It was very comical.
We all slept really good that
night and the kids have had no issue getting adjusted to the time change
as we are now two hours different than what we were in Phoenix. We have
tried to get adjusted and settled in a bit while we temporarily stay
with Zach's parents. Most of our stuff is in storage and Zach has only
had to go about every day to get something out that we needed or to put
something back that we didn't need. My vacation finally is ending since I
have been off of work since the end of March. I will be going back to
work on Monday while Zach stays home with the kids for awhile...back to
the real world I guess. We will continue to keep the updates coming as
we go through this transition time.
Chloe and Allie on a bike ride with Sabrina and the boys while Zach and I packed |
Driving away |
Having a "picnic" at our first gas stop |
Chloe sleeping on the long road with her doggie and pacifer |
Dinner at Texas Roadhouse for Grumpy's (Steve) birthday. Chloe was too cool to take her shades off. |
Zach getting Chloe ready to "earn her keep" by diving to the bottom of the pool to clean it. (Just kidding she was just interested in the snorkel gear, no need to call CPS) |
Chloe found a new "house" the dog crate |
Again trying to earn her keep by mowing the grass with Zach. It was her first time on a riding lawn mower. |
Trying to get a family picture on Father's day...trying is the key word |
Levi with his Great Nana (Zach's grandma)...we told her she could just be called Nana, but she kept slipping in the "great". |
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