Sunday, July 15, 2012

Texas Life

Well we have been here for about a month now and we have done a lot! We celebrated Father's day and July 4th as well as took a surprise trip to Indiana. We also went out on a boat ride at the lake. It has been an adjustment, but it has been really great. I think the biggest adjustment has been the fact that I am working right now and Zach is taking care of the kids. A little role reversal isn't all that bad....for awhile. The phrase "now do you understand what I was going through" has been often heard through the house. Zach never understood how little free time I had to get anything done while I was at home with the kids until now since he is taking care of the kids and not getting as much time to himself as he use to. I never really understood how much Zach missed while he was at work. It is hard to be away from the kids as they are doing fun new things and Levi is just growing so much every day. This role reversal has definitely taught us both to appreciate the other much more now. We can understand each others' point of view much better now and we both have a little more empathy for our situations. Zach has a lot of irons in the fire, as you may say, and we are just waiting to hear back hopefully with good news. We are also still waiting to finalize our house sale in Arizona. Things will be much better and a huge weight will be lifted off our shoulders once that is all said and done with. Fingers crossed we will find out any day  now.
Cruising on the lake.
Chloe really liked the boat and didn't mind her life jacket too much. Zach had been doing some dry runs while the boat was parked in the driveway and we think that really helped her enjoy the boat.
Chloe liked to drive in circles. She kept the wheel turned to the right.
Levi did pretty well too. He didn't like the vest rubbing his cheeks, but he still did really good.
Levi briefly had his life jacket off while we were taking a break for some dinner and he was having a bottle.
Not sure how this happened, but I came home to Chloe and her "diaper hat".
I was very excited to find a Steak N Shake and Chloe was excited about the hat.
Chloe watching the wiggles.
Chloe enjoyed "coloring" pictures with her daddy. 

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