Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Photo Update

Levi is doing really well and sleeping anywhere between 8-11 hours each night and napping during the day. He is right on track for his growth and starting to smile a lot, laugh a little and coo and baby talk. He smiles much more and easier than Chloe when she was this age. He is a happy baby! Chloe is still doing good with him. My mom is in town and there is a little bit of jealousy showing. She sometimes doesn't like when mom talks to Levi and not her and then one morning my mom was holding Levi and Chloe came over and put her hands under his armpits and said "off". Other than that we haven't really had many issues with her and her brother. Levi really likes to watch her and he smiles big at her all the time. I think he is pretty fond of his sister just like she is of him.
Happy Boy!
Trying to get a picture with the kids on Mother's Day...didn't work out so good.
I just love the facial expression on Levi while his sister is trying to sit next to him.
Chloe and her cousins (Allie, Wes & Calvin) at Allie's birthday dinner
Another great picture of Levi's face while his sister is hanging all over him.
Chloe likes to ride the dogs like a horse and luckily Buster is a willing participant...sometimes.

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