So the next day was Valentine's day. We got the best Valentine's day gift. Chloe started walking on her own on Tuesday! Every Tuesday we go to my sister's house so Chloe can play with her cousin Allie for a few hours. When we were over there Chloe just started walking around. She would walk to get a ball or walk to a toy like she had been doing it forever. Ever since she hasn't stopped. She can't really stand from a sitting position yet without grabbing on to something for help, but she is getting close. As soon as you put her on her feet she is go go go....
So after that excitement we then discovered some new teeth. She has a tooth that has broken through at the top back of her mouth and then we can also see a few other teeth trying to poke through. When my mom was here Chloe had a runny nose and she said maybe Chloe was teething. I thought she was crazy, but now I think she was right.
Chloe also loves raisins now and she loves to have her snack at her own little table. It is really cute. We can just tell her to go to her table and she will go and sit at her chair. We have also been going to the park more often and she loves to go down the slides with her daddy. She goes down a slide climbs back up the stairs and picks a new slide to go down. She smiles the whole way down. When we are at home she has a new toy. We bought her a new chair for her room and it came in a big box. So the box is now Chloe's new play house. She has such an imagination!
Chloe sitting at her own table having a raisin snack.
Chloe's new playhouse
We had a baby doctor appointment this past week too. The heartbeat was great. When my doctor would try to get a reading for the heartbeat the baby would move around and kick so she couldn't get a reading, but it sounded good and she estimated it was about at 150. Zach said it was crazy because while I was laying there he was watching the baby move around and it was like an alien trying to get out of my body. He has felt it before, but I think the fact that I was laying down made it look even more like an alien. The other thing we found out was that the baby is NOT head down yet. The baby should be head down by 36 weeks so he has 2 more weeks to make the turn. I'm hoping that he down turn head down because I do not need to worry about that for the next 5 1/2 weeks!
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