Thursday, September 22, 2011

Change is on the way!

Let me first start out by saying that I am not good with surprises and that I don't do well with change. I like to be in control of most situations and I like to have time to process any changes. I may be fearful and a little resistant at the beginning, but I normally come around with a little time. I've had a little over 8 weeks to grasp the change and still I'm a little dumbfounded. Don't get me wrong I'm very excited about this change, but still a little in shock. So are you ready for what this change is? Are you tired of me using the word "change"? Let me start from the beginning, well at least what happended 8 weeks ago.

It was a wonderfully warm Saturday, July 30th to be exact. Zach and I had been cleaning the house giving it a good spruce up and the the conversation was kind of like this...Jenna: "Fine, if you want to go pick up the test at the store while you get the groceries then go ahead. I'll prove you wrong." Zach: "I just might, but it will prove me right." So Zach went to the grocery store and came back. I took the first test and it came out positive...I took the second test it came out positivie. I then waited a day took another test and then waited yet another day and took another test, but a different brand. Regardless of the brand they all showed...that I was PREGNANT!

Shock was what came over me and I still have a hard time believing it to this day. So now we had to decide how and when we were going to tell everyone. We immediately told Adam and Sabrina and surprisingly Sabrina kept her mouth quiet and didn't even try to hint at it with anyone. I was able to keep my mouth shut only telling the people that had to know, like Chloe's doctor when he tried to give me advise on when we should have another one, and then the chiropractor because he flat out asked and its important for him to know so he doesn't do anything crazy, oh and then finally the dentist because I had an appointment with them. Zach on the other hand couldn't hold it in. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops I think. He told the neighbors and then he claims to have just told one guy at work and then has blamed that guy for telling his entire office of about 88 people. I don't really buy that story because Zach has what I like to call diahrea of the mouth. He can't keep anything in!

We had our 10 week appointment on September 9th and we heard the hearbeat loud and clear. It was quite a relief as it is hard for me to really believe there is a baby when I can't see or feel the baby. When I hear the baby it makes it all real. My parents were coming out on the 20th so we figured we would tell them then in person and then after we told my parents we would tell the rest of the family and Zach's family.

We told my parents by giving them a card from "Chloe". It had a picture of Chloe in it with little thought bubbles saying things like "I'm going to be a big sister", "What did you just say", and "In Mommy's belly?!?" It took mom a bit to read the card and then I could see it in her eyes. Her eyes just got huge and then she gave the card to dad so he could read it for himself. They were shocked, but very very excited. This wil be grandbaby #7 for them.

For Zach's parents we had a bit of fun. We had a bouquet of flowers sent to them on a Saturday to hopefully catch them both at home and the card read something like "Another Baby Batsche is on the Way." It wasn't signed and it was from a local florist so they wouldn't see who it came from. We wanted to throw the scent off of us and direct it to Jeremy and Mandi just to have a good laugh. We even thought about sending them wine from a place that Jeremy and Mandi had gone to try to be more convincing, but that takes a lot of work and snooping so this was 2nd best. We figured that using a local florist would maybe be something that they wouldn't think we would do because in the past we have always sent flowers from an online site.

On Saturday they called and spoke to Zach and he played dumb and deflected them. I'm not sure how much they really believed him, but they believed him enough to make calls to both Jeremy and Karlie (Jeff's fiance). Jeremy also called Zach after he spoke to his mom and Zach again tried to deflect and direct the attention to someone else. Zach finally fessed up with his dad and the rest of his family, but even after his dad knew we were still giving his mom the run around because she was at work and not with his dad when he found out. It was fun and a good prank. Not sure how much Ermine liked it, but at the end she is getting a new grandbaby so she can't stay mad too long :).

So just a recap...Chloe will be a big sister and the due date is the first of April (no joke). Keep checking back at the blog for new updates about both Chloe and the new baby.

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