Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Months

Chloe did not want to sit for her 10 month photo

Chloe saying Hi!

Another great month has passed us by. Chloe is go go go. She is pulling up on everything, climbing onto the couch, walking along the couch and crawling like a mad lady. She is quick! She now has 5 teeth. She has her top two and then three on the bottom. She is also starting to say words. She says "da da" for daddy and "key" for monkey. No mama yet, but she will get there. She is also dancing all the time and starting to mimic a little bit. We were at Joe's Crab Shack and she was mimicking the waitress. The waitress was putting her hands under her chin and then Chloe would do it. We all laughed and of course the waitress thought Chloe was just adorable as can be. Her other big "trick" is that when we tell her hi she waves her hands and arms really big like she is really excited, but then when we tell her bye bye she takes one hand and opens and closes it most of the time towards her. Its funny and she gets really excited.

Chloe and Daddy at the San Diego Zoo

At the Beach

Waiting for the waves

Discovering the sand

Chloe and Mommy wearing matching hoodies

We went to San Diego a few weeks ago. It was our first long drive and Chloe did really well. I think she may have done a little better than I did. We were there for just four days, but it was a fun four days. We went to the San Diego Zoo, the outlet mall, and of course the beach. This was my first time at the zoo and Zach's second. I kept telling him how big it was, but I don't think I fully understood how big it was and how many hills we had to walk up and down. We spent about 3 or 4 hours at the zoo and just got about half way through. We saw all the major animals, but we did not get through every zoo. Chloe's favorite animals were the Panda bears and the lions. I think it was because the Panda exhibit is really close up and they aren't really behind a cage and the lions were asleep right next to the glass so she got to see them close up. After the zoo we went to this little restaurant on the pier. I love restaurants on the ocean. The food was nothing spectacular until the dessert came out. It was this rum cake smothered in strawberries. I think it was the best dessert I have ever had.

The beach was fun. We took Chloe's stroller out on the beach (which is not easy to maneuver) and then we laid out a blanket and laid on the beach. Chloe didn't know what to think about the sand. She liked to pick it up and watch it fall back down, but she didn't really play in it much. We took her close to the water to get her feet in and she would get all excited about the waves but as soon as they would come close she would just pull her feet up. Her favorite part about the beach was watching the seagulls. After our beach time we went and walked the pier and ate at Ruby's on the pier. It is the one place that I always must go when we are in California. It is a little dinner with typical dinner food, but they have the best chicken fingers and of course it is on the pier so you are surrounded by the water.

Chloe did really good sleeping in the hotel and just being in the hotel. Our hotel offered a hot breakfast every morning for free. We had pancakes, eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy, waffles, cereal and all sorts of breads. It was a nice spread and a great way to save some food money. The pool was heated, but the weather was only in the 70s so even a heated pool did not feel very warm. None of us had brought jackets so we had to go to the outlet mall and buy a new hoodie for everyone. I love hoodies so no big deal to me.

When we got back home we discovered that Buster has a new favorite thing. He is not a big fan of Chloe. When Chloe comes by he runs away. She likes to chase him, but he doesn't like that. What he does like to do now is come wake her up in the morning and at nap time. We aren't sure why he likes it so much, but we when we head up to get her he beats us to the door. If he hears her in the morning playing in bed he starts whimpering as if he is letting us know she is awake. When we do go in the room he goes right to the crib and either licks her hands or just sticks his nose in between the crib slats. Its funny and we aren't sure why he has decided that he likes this, but maybe it is just leading up to him actually letting her play with him. Daisy on the other hand lets Chloe play with her ears, face, feet, tail pretty much anything except for her hips. She is so good with Chloe.
Other than our San Diego trip we've really stayed close to home and haven't done too much. It is still super hot out so we spend most times inside. This next month should be pretty relaxing as well. My parents are coming in town for a visit and so far that is the only plan. I'm sure Chloe will keep us plenty busy though!

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