Wednesday, October 12, 2011

11 Months

At the Zoo w/cousin Allie
Chloe pushing around her Monkey in the dog bowl

Our little Chloe is growing so fast. She now has 8 teeth that have popped through the gums and she is just talking up a storm. She is letting go a bit when she stands up, and likes to stand and walk when you hold her arms, but she is not quite brave enough to try it on her own. She wants to try and eat anything that we have and drink anything that we have, but when we give it to her she shares with the dogs. Its a slow process, but one thing she does love is Cheese Balls. She loves to drink out of straws and swap sippy cups with Allie, but she still would rather we hold her bottle.

We've had a great couple of weeks. The weather has been beautiful. It took a break from the triple digit temps to go down to the 70s and 80s. We soaked up every minute of it. We went on walks, went "hiking" up the White Tanks and went to the Zoo. I can't wait for this weather to be permanent as we are back up in the 90s which means we are back inside for most of the day.

Chloe has quite the imagination. Sometimes I think she thinks that she is a dog as she loves to look out the doggy door, chase the dogs, laugh at the dogs when they wrestle and when they eat she likes to go back and watch them. She has even picked up a bad habit from them. Buster likes to knock over the food bowls and then scoop the food into the corner. Then when the bowls are empty Daisy likes to play with them. So Chloe has put them both together and now she dumps the food bowls out and pushes the empty bowls around the floor. She doesn't just push the empty bowls she uses the empty bowls as a a vehicle for her stuffed animals. We would first get onto her about dumping out the dog food, but then when we see her push around her toys it is just too cute so now I just let her use her imagination and use the bowl as a vehicle. Buster and Daisy always eventually clean up the spilt dog food.

I just can't believe Chloe will be a year old next month!

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