Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The last few weeks have been weeks of discoveries and I just couldn't wait two more weeks to share all of the exciting news. The sad thing is that the one thing we haven't discovered is how to take a family photo where everyone is smiling and looking in the same direction.

Chloe has been blowing bubbles a lot lately. She has blown bubbles for over a month, but the last few weeks there are constantly bubbles on her lips and sometimes they are really really big. She is drooling a lot too, but we can't decide if it is the early stages of teething or if it is just due to all of the bubbles. I've read that teeth are one thing that is a hereditary development. I'm not sure I really believe that, but in any case Zach started getting his teeth around 5 months and had all 4 front teeth at 6 months and I had my first tooth at about 5 1/2 months. So either way it looks like the teething fairy is coming our way!
I saw Chloe grab her foot for the first time and my face just lit up. I've been a little anxious because she isn't really grabbing or reaching for things like I thought she would. Even though Chloe is our first and every baby is different, I still thought that she would be reaching for more things. So when Zach and I were playing with her and she grabbed her foot I was very excited. It was like she was saying "Mommy, I can do this, but I choose not to do it, but for your sake I'll prove it to you." Now she grabs her feet here and there when we play and every time I still get excited.
Now I'm not sure if she did a legitimate roll over, but she did roll over. When we give her tummy time we always tell her what we are doing as we are doing it and we tell her to put her arm here and roll over. So I rolled her over to her belly for some tummy time and within a few minutes she was on her side and then she did a slow roll to her back. I was so excited and sad because Zach wasn't home. I went to go grab the camera and try to persuade her to do it again, but she wouldn't. She didn't even try again. She smiled when she rolled over, but she hasn't been too interested in trying again.
She started sucking on her hand within the past month, but the past week she has started sucking just on her fingers. Sometimes it will be one, other times it will be two fingers and on a rare occasion she will stick three in her mouth and gnaw on them for a bit. We have to watch her sometimes because she will start sucking so hard her little fingers turn red and we tell her to give her fingers a little rest.
She has really started to grab things when we play with her on her play mat. There are these interchangeable rings that we hang and she will hold on and swing them and put them in her mouth and just never let go of them. She also has realized that she can take her pacifier out of her mouth and put it back in herself. Sometimes it gets a little too far for her to reach and that makes her upset so I tell her just to leave it in and stop playing with it, but she doesn't listen. She has also fell in love with a little Zebra toy. Zach and I have separate diaper bags because he doesn't want to carry around a girly Vera Bradley bag so he has a manly satchel. In transferring everything and creating two bags he took the purple hip that she has had in her bag so we went to the store to get a new toy for my diaper bag. After about 10 minutes staring at all the toys I just grabbed the Zebra and said it would do. Little did I know it would be one of her favorite things. It has over sized feet which she tries very hard to get in her mouth, but they are about twice the size of her mouth. She also like to cuddle with it and squeeze it. Zach and I think she is going to grow up with either a special blankey or stuffed animal because this is the first thing she has really cuddled with. It's cute to watch her cuddle and funny to watch her try to figure out how to get the giant foot in her tiny mouth.
Chloe has definitely found her voice and I'm a little nervous. My mom always said and we always laughed about the fact that the moment Christina's feet hit the floor her mouth opened. That's kind of how Chloe has been minus the feet hitting the floor. Its like as soon as we wake her up and she is fed she just talks and talks and talks. I love to hear her talk, but I wonder if she is going to be like Christina. She has also been trying out new sounds. She squeaks and squeals all the time and we think she just likes to hear the sounds that she can make. When we tell her to say "Ma Ma" or "Da Da" she just gives us a big smile.

Well as you can see it has been an eventful few weeks and even though my family had to postpone their trip until the end of March it has still been a great few weeks. We have a busy month coming up as we are taking our first family vacation to Sedona, I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled out and my family is coming the end of March. Not to mention I'm sure Chloe will be doing hundreds of new things!

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