Saturday, March 12, 2011

4 Months

Well Chloe is now four months old! I know I say it every month, but I can't believe four months have already gone by. The last month has been busy for us and for Chloe. As in the last post she is starting to discover a lot of new things and we are discovering new things about her everyday.

The most recent discoveries are her new favorite toys. She really loves this mirror that lights up and plays music and is shaped like a fish. She's had this toy since Christmas, but just in the past few weeks has she really started to love this toy. You have to touch it or one of the hanging toys and she has been playing with it and touching it to make the lights and music play on her own. It seems like she understands in order to make the music and lights turn on you have to touch it. She also loves to play with her car seat sun shade. If her sun shade isn't attached at the top then she will pull it down and treat it like a roller coaster lap bar. She puts her arms on it and pulls it up and down. She gets frustrated when the sun is hitting her face because we will latch it so it stays in place, but she just wants to pull it down to play with.

Chloe also got a sweet new ride. We go on walks a lot and in Arizona there are a lot of dirt paths rather than sidewalks and because of this her regular stroller doesn't handle our walks very well sometimes. So we decided to look for jogging strollers with actual bike tires that could handle different terrains. We did not find a jogging stroller that had everything that we wanted, but we did find an all terrain stroller that works perfectly.

Chloe and I have been very lucky the past few weeks as we have been able to meet Zach for lunch a few times each week. It is really nice since by the time he gets home we basically give Chloe a bath and but her to bed. He doesn't get to spend much time with her Sunday - Wednesday so he really likes it and so do we.

We were able to meet Alemitu Fischer, Sabrina and Adam's new daughter. She is just about 5 months older than Chloe so we are very excited that Chloe will have a cousin to grow up with. Chloe was more interested in watching Wes and Calvin wrestle with Adam than she was in Alemitu. I did put Chloe on her belly while Alemitu was on her belly playing so they could look at each other, but Chloe really didn't care and Alemitu wasn't really happy about it either. They tried to share toys, but they were definitely confused as to what was going on. Whenever Chloe would start to fuss or make noises then Alemitu decided she needed to do the same. It was really funny to watch the two of them together.

We went to the doctor on Friday and he was very pleased with her. She weighs 12 pounds and 8 ounces. I'm not sure how long she is as we forgot to ask after they measured her. She is in the 25th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile in height. Which I guess is really good because her doctor said that they want to see them with at least one percentile in between if not too and they want to see a higher height percentile than weight.

Zach went to the doctor with us and I made him hold Chloe down during her shots. He is suppose to hold her hands and talk to her while the nurse gives her the shots, but Zach was so fascinated by the shots he didn't really talk to her so she realized and felt the shots and did not like them. Zach just told me that he was toughening her up. She didn't cry a lot though, after the shots were over she cried about 1 minute and then was over before we had her outfit back on her. We were excited to talk to the doctor about adding in rice cereal to her meals, but he said that he would recommend oatmeal and even some green vegetables. We are very excited to try to feed her some "real" food so we will see how it all turns out.

I can't wait to see what new things she does in this next month and maybe, just maybe, she will smile for pictures.

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