Saturday, February 12, 2011

3 Months

3 months down and every day I learn something new. I'm not sure if I've bragged enough, but Chloe is a great baby girl! She is now sleeping 11 hours each night and we are so grateful for that. Although, she doesn't like to take her naps as much during the day, but she will catnap and take about three 45 minute naps a day. I will take it as long as she stays sleeping through the night. We are starting to switch her schedule from eating every 3 hours to every 4 hours. We've tried in the past and she wasn't ready so here we go again. I think it will work this time as with each day passing she is awake longer and more alert.

Chloe is starting to get quite a little personality. She's smiling more, although you wouldn't know by the pictures because she immediately puts on a serious face when she sees the camera. She's also really starting to giggle and laugh a lot. I can get her giggling, but Zach can really make her giggle. She also has started to play some tricks. She will fuss or whine in her stroller and then when we try to give her a pacifier she just smiles really big or if she doesn't want to eat anymore she just looks up at us with her big blue eyes and smile while the milk just runs down her cheek and we can't help but to smile back which makes her smile even bigger. When Zach comes home from work he will come over and say hi to her and she will often look the other way and try to hide her smile. It is really funny. We aren't sure if she knows she is playing games, but she is definitely playing them.

Not only has she found a little personality she has also found her hands. She found her right hand first and it was like her left hand didn't exist as she wouldn't do anything with it, but the day she found her left hand was hilarious. It was like we saw this light bulb go off and she was amazed that she had another hand to suck on. She's not really reaching up for things yet, but if you give her a toy she will hold it and swing it around and stare at it very intently.

Call us bad parents if you like, but we have discovered she likes Tom & Jerry cartoons and so we let her sit in her swing in front of the TV and watch an episode or two during the day. I'm not sure why she likes them so much, but she does. Sometimes we will catch her smiling a little smile while she watches the shows. We do try to be educational and have her watch Baby Einstein and Praise Baby as well. I think it is just the bright colors that she likes.

She isn't rolling over yet, but she is working on it. Zach found her stuck in her crib on her side and she was crying because she was stuck on her side. We also will roll her over rather than pick her up when we want her to have some tummy time. Sometimes when she is on her tummy she tries to roll over, but gets stuck on her side. She looks like a fish out of water when she starts flopping and rolling back and forth trying to get some momentum to roll all the way over. Its quite funny.

We have also discovered that she does not like the dark. We had started to notice that when we would be out after dark she would not be happy in her car seat. We initially thought she was just lonely or hungry, but it started happening not around feeding time and even when I would sit back with her. We have a mirror with lights in the back with her that she likes and we thought that maybe at night the lights are too bright or the street lights were coming in on her face too much. We just would let her fuss it out because nothing seemed to work. The other day we went to the Chiropractor and he had turned out the lights to develop some X-Rays and she started fussing there too. Zach took her out front where the lights were on and she was happy. So the next day we went out to dinner and when she started to fuss on the way home I told Zach that maybe it was the dark that she didn't like. He turned on his dome lights and sure enough she immediately quieted down. She was completely content. She has no issues at night in her crib when she knows she is suppose to sleep, but in the car or when she is not asleep she does not like to be in the dark.

As I'm writing this I am realizing just how much she has done and learned in the past month and I'm amazed. We didn't go to the doctor this month, but by our scale she is about 11.5 pounds and between 23.5 - 24 inches long. I can't wait for this next month as my sister and her family and my mom will all be visiting from Indiana. Christina and the kids haven't seen Chloe yet so we are excited to show her off! Also, fingers crossed, there is a possibility that she may meet her new cousin Alemitu this next month!

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