Friday, November 12, 2010

First Few Days

Chloe has been wonderful. She's eating regularly every 3-4 hours and sleeps very well. At the hospital she did really well and wasn't fussy after any of her tests or shots. She passed the hearing test very quickly and all the nurses thought she was adorable.

We were released on Friday morning and were a little nervous about how the dogs would take the coming home. We were pleasantly surprised as we knew Daisy would be curious, but she is also very protective over Chloe. Whenever she hears Chloe on the monitor she whimpers and looks at Zach like "aren't you going to get her". Its pretty cute, but the best part is that the barking or noises that the dogs make don't bother Chloe at all!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures of Chloe! The little green hat is absolutely adorable! I'm glad the dogs have adjusted well. Keep the updates coming. I can't wait to show the kids the new pictures. Sydney is already wanting to meet Chloe. Chloe has a great Mommy and Daddy!
