Friday, September 10, 2010

32 weeks down!

Things have been pretty quiet around the Batsche household. We had a great Labor Day weekend. After looking back I realized that it was all about food. On that Saturday we drove out to Tonopah (which is in the middle of nowhere and about 40 mins from us) to a truck stop because they sell Noble Romans Breadsticks. The real ones with the real cheese and everything. We bought 8 orders! Now for you Indy people there are only 3 in a pack and not 5 like back home so it was only 24 breadsticks. And to be fair we ate 6 at the truck stop and gave Adam 6 as well. They were so yummy! After our drive out to Tonopah we drove out to the mall to do some walking since it is still way too hot outside to get out and walk. We walked for a good hour or so and then headed up to church.

Since we were on the road most of the day or just out and about, I was pretty hungry after church because I hadn't had my normal snacks throughout the day. We decided to go to TGI Fridays for dinner. We hadn't been there in a long time, but we both love their potato skins and so I was excited that I would have food in my belly quick. Like most chain restaurants they had a 2 for $20 deal and we could get an appetizer, 2 meals and a dessert. We haven't gotten a dessert in so long and they have some pretty good desserts there. After we cleaned the appetizer plate and did a pretty good job on our dinners Zach was stuffed. He didn't pace himself and he didn't think he could eat any of the dessert. I told him he was crazy because I was excited about the dessert. He caved and said that he would just have a few bites. So we got this dessert with strawberries, ice cream, whip cream and pound cake. We ate almost all of it! After that we were both officially stuffed. Then on Monday we went out to breakfast at Denny's and stuffed our faces yet one more time over the Labor Day weekend. Not to mention I had made chocolate chip cookie muffins so we had been eating those all weekend as well.

With all the food that we had ate over the weekend and the fact that I felt like I couldn't stop eating I just knew I would go to the doctor and gain like 10 pounds since I saw them last just 2 weeks ago. We went to the doctor yesterday and to my surprise I didn't gain anything! The girl who took my weight and blood pressure said I was the same as last time. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself! The doctor's visit was pretty uneventful. They now have me on a rotation so I can meet all the doctors and this doctor was like a speedy gonzalez. We were out in the waiting room for like 15 mins and then once he came in I'm not sure if it was even 5 minutes he was with us. He took my measurements, Chloe's heartbeat and answered a few questions and then he was gone. He did say I was measuring right on track at 32 weeks.

Yesterday evening was our first childbirth prep class and man was it kind of a waste of time. We were there for 3 hours and I'm not really sure what I learned. I wanted to go because I thought it may ease my anxiety for the big day. I wanted to take the tour and just understand what it is going to be like on the big day. This is a 3 week class and we take the tour next week, but this week I thin it scared me more than anything and made me more anxious. We did a lot of talking about what to do if you have certain pains or things you may experience, but some of these things she said are so uncommon, but of course we had to talk about them and of course they were just making my list of fears grow. I would have to say that two of my biggest fears have been my water breaking out of the hospital and the umbilical cord wrapped around Chloe's neck. I had read and heard that it wasn't common for either, but of course both things happened to the teacher while she was pregnant. I guess we'll see how next week goes...

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