Monday, June 21, 2010


Well we had a great weekend. We worked on getting the Nursery ready and we think it turned out pretty good. With Zach being off on Thursdays and Fridays he did a lot of the work while I was at work during the day, but Saturday and Sunday we really finished it up. The room where the nursery would be was already painted a bright blue and we wanted to keep it that color regardless of if the baby would be a boy or girl. Since we found out we were having a girl we just decided to dress it up with accents of pink, purple and green. The bedding we will get is a bright green with monkeys so we thought it would all work out well together. We decided to put one of the monkeys on the wall to really tie the theme together. Zach being the wonderfully talented person he is free-handed the monkey on the wall in about 15 minutes. I was amazed. He just taped up a 8x10 picture of the monkey and drew the monkey by just looking at the picture. It was amazing. We are really happy how the room has turned out and we can't wait to complete it with the crip and all.

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