Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Telling the Family

Yesterday my whole family came in town. And by whole family I mean my parents, Christina, Phil, Sydney and Carter. This was the time when we were going to spill the beans about being pregnant. We picked everyone up from the airport and came back to Sabrina and Adam's house and had dinner. Then we had told them that the boys had done something really funny and they had to watch this quick video. The boys did do something funny, but not what everyone had expected. They were playing around on their swing set going up and down the slide and then cut to them having a "conversation" about Jenna having a bun in the oven. Followed by a little bun in the oven jump around. Needless to say it really caught everyone off guard because they were expecting one of the boys to say something silly or do something crazy and then the news that we were pregnant came out. I think my mom was the only one that initially caught it, but it took a few minutes. I just heard this "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" from her and then Christina said, what I missed it. They all figured it out and were very excited. Mom had said that her and my grandma were just talking about if Zach and I were going to have any children and my mom predicted that this year we would probably be pregnant. She was right.

After the video we all sat around the table sharing pregnancy stories. My mom really wins in the stories because she didn't have ANY kind of painkiller during labor! She still doesn't do any numbing at the dentist either. I'm not sure why I didn't get her high pain tolerance as I am the exact opposite. I really just listened and told my strange fears. Sabrina thinks that every year my little box that I live in gets smaller and I become more afraid, but I think she is crazy. My fears are legitimate or so I thought. When I was a baby I had strawberry blonde hair, which is just a nice way of saying red hair. My mom worked for a dentist and one of the ladies there said that when my mom was pregnant with me she drank a ton of orange juice and that gave the red tint to my hair. I had believed this lady my whole life because we had to go back about 4 generations or so to find where my red hair came from. To me that is a legitimate fear, but I guess to everyone else it sounds a bit silly.

Just a few more weeks and we will be off to Hawaii and back to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Next step is to tell the grandparents and then tell everyone else!

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