Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Telling the Family

Yesterday my whole family came in town. And by whole family I mean my parents, Christina, Phil, Sydney and Carter. This was the time when we were going to spill the beans about being pregnant. We picked everyone up from the airport and came back to Sabrina and Adam's house and had dinner. Then we had told them that the boys had done something really funny and they had to watch this quick video. The boys did do something funny, but not what everyone had expected. They were playing around on their swing set going up and down the slide and then cut to them having a "conversation" about Jenna having a bun in the oven. Followed by a little bun in the oven jump around. Needless to say it really caught everyone off guard because they were expecting one of the boys to say something silly or do something crazy and then the news that we were pregnant came out. I think my mom was the only one that initially caught it, but it took a few minutes. I just heard this "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" from her and then Christina said, what I missed it. They all figured it out and were very excited. Mom had said that her and my grandma were just talking about if Zach and I were going to have any children and my mom predicted that this year we would probably be pregnant. She was right.

After the video we all sat around the table sharing pregnancy stories. My mom really wins in the stories because she didn't have ANY kind of painkiller during labor! She still doesn't do any numbing at the dentist either. I'm not sure why I didn't get her high pain tolerance as I am the exact opposite. I really just listened and told my strange fears. Sabrina thinks that every year my little box that I live in gets smaller and I become more afraid, but I think she is crazy. My fears are legitimate or so I thought. When I was a baby I had strawberry blonde hair, which is just a nice way of saying red hair. My mom worked for a dentist and one of the ladies there said that when my mom was pregnant with me she drank a ton of orange juice and that gave the red tint to my hair. I had believed this lady my whole life because we had to go back about 4 generations or so to find where my red hair came from. To me that is a legitimate fear, but I guess to everyone else it sounds a bit silly.

Just a few more weeks and we will be off to Hawaii and back to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Next step is to tell the grandparents and then tell everyone else!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Blood Work

For those of you who have been around me for awhile you should be very aware of the fact that I HATE needles and anything to do with them. I always pass out and the worst is when I know I have to get blood work. I've done everything from kicking people out of the way, moving my arm around so they can't prick me and threatening to call someone else to save me like my dad or papa Allen. I would work myself up so much that the crash would come and I would just go limp and pass out.

Getting your blood work is pretty much the first thing you do at the doctor when you find out you are pregnant. I knew this and I've been dreading it and have been very anxious about it. I warned the nurse that I would pass out and that I needed to use one of the butterfly needles they use on children. She said not a problem and she also said that even if I do pass out for a few moments it would not hurt or harm the baby.

It was the big day and my appointment was at 8 in the morning. I got up and got ready made myself some eggs and toast to make sure I had something in me and then off Zach and I went to the doctor. I again told the nurse about my phobia of needles and the fact that I would more than likely pass out. She sat me down in the chair and had Zach on the other side try to distract me. It didn't work because as soon as she put that rubber thing around my arm I started to sweat and fidget. She cleaned off my arm and told me to hold it out for her. That didn't work. She asked me a few times if I just would rather lay down while she does it. I was trying to be tough so I said no, but as soon as she cleaned off my arm Zach said why don't we try to lay down. I guess my face was beat red because when we passed by a few nurses they made a comment about my face. So the process started over. I laid down, she put the rubber thing on my arm, cleaned my arm and then poked the needle in. It felt just like a little tiny prick and after about 3 vials of blood she was done. I can say this because I was awake through the whole thing! I didn't pass out even for a second. She told me to lie down and drink some water before I left so I did and I got up and walked out on my own.

It took all of me not to call everyone I know to tell them, but since just a very select few people knew I was pregnant I had to resort to just telling Sabrina and Adam.

I guess I'm finally a big girl now...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Big News!

Let me first start off by saying that Zach and I are so very excited about becoming parents! We know that with our family and friends in all different states and cities we thought it would be a great way to update everyone on our new exciting journey. As I'm sure you can tell I'm writing this only 6 weeks pregnant and no morning sickness has kicked in yet...and hopefully won't.

Let me first just start off and say that I think Zach has special psychic powers or something because in January he told me that I was going to be pregnant in February and he was certain of this. I had to remind him that only 15% of people trying to become pregnant actually do each month. Although, he was a little disappointed he was still convinced that we would have a baby this year and that I would be pregnant in February. Zach's been the greatest especially just his excitement to learn everything. He had been on the Internet looking at early pregnancy signs and so kindly pointing them out to me, but then I would tell him that he is just imagining everything and that he is making me have fake signs to prove his point. Little did I know he was right on all accounts.

So when we did find out we were both extremely excited. I didn't really believe it, but after 5 positive home pregnancy tests over a 2 day span then I accepted it and became very excited. We of course could not keep it in and had to tell someone so I told my sister, Sabrina. She was very very excited for us and she called Adam and had him call me and he was very excited as well. I then couldn't stop myself as I felt it was like diarrhea of the mouth. I told the 3 people I work with who were all very excited as well. The next day Zach told all the guys he worked with and it would be their first white baby in the group so naturally they were extremely excited. We then decided to tell his parents and family, but there was a catch. They couldn't say a word about it to anyone as we were going to tell my family when they came out to visit the following 3 weeks and we weren't going to tell the grandparents and everyone else until after our Hawaii trip as we will have heard the heartbeat by then and the first trimester would be at an end. We decided to Skype with Zach's parents and boy was Ermine excited. She was basically a blur for pretty much the whole time. She was jumping up and down and very very excited. Steve on the other hand was what I think in shock. He was happy, but I don't think he pictures himself as a grandpa yet and someone had to be the calm, cool, collect one in their house as obviously Ermine was about to go crazy with excitement.

Now the hard part...not telling my parents until they come to visit.