Monday, September 29, 2014

First Day of School

Ahh...finally, it was time for school to start again. I had been preparing Chloe all summer because she was not quite understanding that when school was going to start that she would not be in Mrs. Beth and Mrs. Mary's class anymore and that she may be in a class with new friends and not the same ones that were in class with her previously. Levi on the other hand was a different story. Whenever we would talk about going to school he would just say "No, school". He was coming around, but it was still a little bit of a sensitive subject for him so I focused on getting Chloe prepared for school.

The night before Chloe picked out her clothes and I set out their backpacks and nap mats. I thought I was pretty prepared, but unfortunately I woke up about 15 minutes or so later than what I should and we were still moving at summer pace. We were all dressed and it was time to pack up. Levi would rather sleep with a book than an animal so I told him to pick which book he wanted to take to nap with and that is when it all went downhill. In order for him to take his book to school I wanted to write his name on the book so he wouldn't lose it. Well he lost it, not the book, but his mind. He was so upset that even Chloe was trying to tell him that he needed to have his name on his book so he could take it to school. It was a lost cause and we had to go.

So we scurried outside and I wanted to try to get a nice first day of school photo. Levi was still throwing a fit walking out the door so that was a lost cause. Chloe didn't want to go over by the tree because of the bugs and she didn't want to smile because in her words "mommy, sometimes we say cheese, but not today." While I am buckling her in her seat she decided that she wanted to have her hair braided because mama braids Sydney's hair. So I caved. Right there in the truck I quickly threw together a French braid and finished buckling her up and off we went. Levi was still fussing, but in the five minute car ride it takes to get to school he had calmed down and was now excited to go to school.
We went in and Chloe wanted to drop off Levi first so we took him to his class and he put his backpack, nap mat and snack away and walked right in. No issues. I was quite surprised. I dropped Chloe off and she did the same thing. No issues there, which I wasn't surprised at since she was a pro last year at school. You would have never known the chaos that happened just minutes before we arrived at school. They did great!

Now day two we were back on our regular time and ready to go. I got pictures of the kids smiling and Chloe kept wanting to take more when we got to school. I thought I had this down no problem, but then the meltdown came. Levi decided he didn't want to go to class and he didn't want to put his stuff away and he didn't want to do anything. So I scooted him in the door and walked away as he was crying. He wasn't crying for me just crying that he didn't want to go to school. Oh, that boy. He can be so dramatic and emotional sometimes. It was like the days flip flopped and we started out great, but then when we got to school it all fell apart.

We are just finishing up our fourth week of school. I can't believe that! We have adjusted better and every morning before school while we sit in the car we talk about what is going to happen. We have started taking turns on who gets dropped off first and I confirm with Levi that he is going to be a big boy and not cry when he goes into class because there is no need to cry and he will have fun. Knock on wood it has worked the last two weeks. He even is calling his teacher Mrs. Mary by name and will tell me that she is tall and will stand and open the door when he goes in.

The kids both now love school. They sing songs all day at home and both of them do the motions and recite their Bible verse for the month. I have even noticed that on non-school days they play a little better with each other. It is like they need this break from each other so when they are together they actually enjoy playing together and they aren't trying to get in fights. I love school season.

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