Friday, June 21, 2013

Busterhymes Batsche

Busterhymes Batsche...aka Buster...aka Busty Lu Hu Batsche was a great dog. He had a rough life and I hope that his last few years made up for all the bad that had happened to him before he became part of our family. We acquired Buster after Zach's boss's wife said he had to get rid of the dog. At first I was against the idea, but after meeting Buster I didn't want him to end up in the ditch or in another shelter so I told Zach we could take him. We were at least Buster's third family from what we could understand. He had his issues and was a thorn in our side some days, but I wouldn't take back my decision to add him to the family. He helped Daisy calm down and stopped her from getting into too much trouble and he let me cuddle with him when Daisy would walk away. Sure he had his stinky breath and whine when Zach left the room, but he was a great dog. When the kids came around he put up with them too.

We knew his time was quickly approaching, but didn't expect it to happen so quickly. We had boarded the dogs on our vacation for a few days before Zach's parents took them and during that time Buster had passed in his sleep. The lady from the kennel called us balling to tell us he had passed in his sleep. She was there petting him and sitting with him and really giving him some good attention before he passed. As hard as it was not to be there with him on his last day and feeling like he was "alone" I knew he wasn't alone because the people at the kennel knew his health and kept a close watch on him, catering to whatever he needed. Just as we told Chloe when she asked, he is up living at Jesus' house playing in the big big yard and being loved on. 

Busty Lu Hu Batsche you will are greatly missed...

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