Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Was this Really Christmas?

Like I have always said I love Christmas and I love everything about it. This year we would have a bunch of new experiences because we were having our first Christmas in Texas. Now that Chloe is getting a little older I was excited about Christmas morning. I was excited to see her tear through the wrapping paper and dump out her stocking and be so excited with us. I couldn't wait to see her face on Christmas morning. Now don't get me wrong, I was excited about Levi's Christmas too, but I knew that he wouldn't be as excited or know what was going on like Chloe would.

Before Christmas comes you  have Christmas Eve. Normally what we do is we go out to eat at a restaurant and come back home to open gifts that one side of our family has sent. We normally open from whoever we didn't have Christmas plans with. So in prior years we always would open presents from Zach's family, but this year we opened from my sisters and aunts and uncles since we would be spending Christmas day with Zach's family. Then once the kids go to sleep we get the rest of the items ready for Christmas and stay up watching Christmas movies and playing games. I've been playing games on Christmas Eve since as long as I could remember as that is how my sister and I would spend our Christmas Eves. We would stay up late and play every game until we couldn't last any longer and then fall asleep and then wake up early morning to get my parents. So this Christmas Eve was really no different. We went to the mall so the kids could ride the carousel, grabbed some dinner and headed home to open presents. Chloe was so excited, although she thought every gift was hers and not Levi's. Then we put the kids down and started playing a new card game that my parents had given us. I think Zach and I played for about 3 hours. It was that addicting. So then we went to bed around 12:30am.

Soon everything would change....there was a rain storm coming in, which is no big deal. It was suppose to be cold, but not enough to ice over. No big deal. The storm woke Zach and I up a couple of times because our dog Buster is afraid of storms so he was pacing around the room whining. Then about 2:15am the storm started getting heavier. Shortly there after we heard a big boom of what we thought was thunder. Then Chloe's monitor started beeping like it lost power or connection....and that's when we realized we had no power! I laid in bed and asked Zach how long he thought the power would be off, he didn't think it would be long. I logged into our power company's website and it showed that they estimated the power to be back on around 4:30am on Christmas. Okay, not that terrible just two hours. I was a little freaked out because I was terrified that I couldn't hear the kids now that the monitors were off and what if one of them woke up in the middle of the night. Zach decided he would stay up until the power came back on and watch a movie on his ipad. So I fell back asleep while he watched a movie. Something woke me up and it was about 5am. Still no power. I checked online and they said it would be on about 7am. I told Zach that was silly for him to stay awake and I would go sleep in the hallway between the kids rooms. Zach had only had a few hours of sleep if that and I wasn't going to ask him to stay awake any longer. So I got my pillow and a blanket and slept for the next two and a half hours in the hallway until I heard Chloe awake around 7:30am. I checked again and still no power now they were saying about 10am we would have power. I got Chloe up and headed back in our room to see if she would go back to sleep, but she was wide awake. So I talked to Zach and we decided to go ahead and get Levi up as it was really cold in the house and just start Christmas.

We had no power...we have seven windows in our family room, but because it was so dreary outside hardly any light was coming in. We started a fire and opened our gifts by fireplace and flashlight. Not the exact Christmas I had in mind, but a Christmas to remember. We weren't suppose to go over to Zach's parents until later in the day around 1pm, but because we had no power and it was freezing inside we called over and packed ourselves up and went over. Our heat and water heater are both electric so taking a shower at our house was completely out of the question. We had a nice time eating brunch and opening gifts with Zach's family, but my mind was pretty much stuck on when we would have power. I kept checking online and each time the time was pushed out further and further. It was around 2pm and it looked like we had power...so when the kids went down for a nap Zach drove over to the house only to find that we still didn't have power. He talked to our neighbor and he said that he talked to the power company and they now estimated it wouldn't be back on until 9am on December 26th. Zach packed up an overnight bag and grabbed the dogs and headed back over to his parents. Looks like we would be spending all day and night over there. It was about 11:45pm and I received a text message from the power company stating that our power was back on. A little sigh of relief, however, I wasn't going to fully believe them because it had previously said online our power was back on many hours prior. So at midnight Zach drove back over to the house to check. We had power!

The next day I woke up early and went over to Walmart to get groceries now that all of our refrigerated items were bad. We didn't think to pack those up and put them in his parents' fridge/freezer until it was too late. So I woke up and went to Walmart right when it opened back up got some of the essentials and items I knew we had to replace, went back to our house cleaned out our fridge/freezer and then went back to pick up Zach, the kids and the dogs. We made it home around 10am on the day after Christmas. Now the kids...really Chloe...could see and play with her new Christmas toys. She was very excited and played all day with her toys. We were able to get down all the inside Christmas decorations and get some of the things we wanted to get done done.

So to say that this was my favorite Christmas would probably not be the case. However, we were all safe and spent the entire day with each other and with family who was nice enough to let us crash their Christmas day as I'm sure that is now how they envisioned it either. We were also able to spend some good time with Jeremy and Mandi as we don't see them very often and Chloe had a playmate with Mandi all afternoon. So to sum it up it was a unique Christmas. We didn't take that many pictures, but below are a few for you to enjoy.

Chloe excited about her new glasses from cousin Allie...hoping this isn't a look into the future! This was on Christmas Eve...notice the power is on :)
Chloe thinks she can fit into anything. She loved playing with this little doll house from her great grandma Wills. She also got some little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse figurines which fit perfectly into this house. Chloe says that this is Minnie Mouse's house. This was on Christmas Eve.
Opening presents from Santa on Christmas day by flashlight...it was really dark!
Levi in front of the fireplace on Christmas morning. Levi loves watching the fire. I think he was more excited about the fire than any of his presents, but who could blame him since he couldn't really see anything but the fire.
The snow is falling on Christmas day! You have to look closely, but it is there.
Levi and his Tia Mandi on Christmas day.
Levi again in front of the fire on Christmas day, this time it was at his Grumpy and Grammie's house.
Our backyard the day after Christmas. We actually got some snow overnight. Nothing to write home about, but we did have a white Christmas.
Levi the day after Christmas at our house as he was the victim of a run by coloring.
Do you really think she could have done the run by coloring on her brother?!?!?! Look at that sweet smile she has. She was very excited about her easel with a dry erase board that Santa brought her. Luckily Santa knows to get washable dry erase markers.

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