Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Rewind

2012 was definitely a year of change. We added a new family member and moved about 1000 miles away from where we had made our home for five years. There were a lot of tears shed. There were happy, sad, frustrated and scared tears by just about everyone. A lot of decisions were made in hopes to better our future and focus on the big picture. We learned that change is not only a part of life, but necessary to move forward. Regardless of how big or small the obstacles this family of four can get through anything with a lot of prayer and a lot of love.

Happy New Year! Enjoy a look back at the past year with this Batsche bunch.
JANUARY - I love this picture for a lot of reasons, but I took this picture while going on a walk with Chloe in our AZ neighborhood. It was in the sixties or seventies, but yet I still felt that she needed to be bundled up because that was cold in AZ.
FEBRUARY - We spent a lot of days at that park. We tried to get as much time with the three of us as possible as we knew when the new baby came things would be different and it may be awhile before we could get back out to the park.
MARCH - Chloe spent a lot of her naps trying to get out of her clothes and her diaper. In this picture she has made it to where her leg was coming out of her neck hole. She was still being put down for two naps, but she would normally just sleep one and play in her crib the other. She was quite the magician.
APRIL - I had a hard time picking out my favorite photo as this was obviously when Levi was born, but this is my favorite because it shows how much Chloe was smitten with Levi. She wanted to be with him all the time.
MAY - Not the best picture of the three of us, but it was Mother's day and the best one we had that day of the three of us. My first Mother's day as the mother of two monsters...I mean kids.
JUNE - This one makes me sad and happy all at the same time. We went to Rustler's Rooste with the Fischers for Allie's birthday. It was a fun night and one of our last nights in Arizona. I love this picture because of the face that Allie is giving Chloe. Normally Chloe is giving Allie a strange look, but this one the table is turned and Allie is looking at Chloe like she is crazy. Probably because while Allie, Wes and Calvin were playing with their balloons Chloe was popping them with her mouth. The loud noise didn't phase her one bit.
JULY - This was an easy one. We may not all look the greatest..ie..Zach's scowl, but we were all together. It was a surprise for my sisters and a great surprise. I can't remember the last time that we all had a picture together.
AUGUST - This was not posed. Zach was getting Chloe up from her nap and he put Levi down in with her while he was getting something and when he came back this is what he found. They are smitten with each other and that makes this mom one happy camper.
SEPTEMBER - This is a strange photo, but I like it for a number of reasons. This was taken on a Sunday while we were outside on the patio watching football. I was playing with Levi as he had just started rolling around and Chloe was walking around being a mom to Minnie Mouse. This sums up some of my favorite family moments when we are all just relaxing together.
OCTOBER - We had family photos done and the first set of photos that we really had all four of us looking decent. This may not be the best photo of us all, but it is a real photo. Our kids are crazy and sometimes we feel like a circus, but we are happy and love each other and I feel like this photo really captured that without being posed.
NOVEMBER - CHLOE IS TWO YEARS OLD!!! I just love her silliness and happiness that is captured.
DECEMBER - Oh Levi...poor poor Levi...I love everything about this picture...words aren't really needed.

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