Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Chloe on the flight to Texas w/her own seat and snax

Chloe w/her Grumpy (Steve)

Chloe with Uncler Jeremy (he's still trying to figure out what he wants Chloe to call him)

Chloe w/Papaw on the trampoline

Chloe w/Allie in the bike cart. Chloe didn't last long after Allie tried to give her a kiss.

Chloe proud of herself for standing in her crib after nap time.

I'm not sure if we were busier or if Chloe is now busier. We had a wonderful trip to Texas visiting with family and friends. Our trip almost got off to a rocky start when I thought that Chloe had an ear infection and I was worried as to if we would have issues flying or not. A quick trip to the doctor just a day and a half before we left it was confirmed that Chloe was just teething and her ears were great. Our flight to DFW was just a little over 2 hours and luckily the guy that was suppose to sit next to us was able to move a few rows up so we had a full row to ourselves. Chloe didn't sleep, but she was content and playing with us. She was not loud or fussy at all. This was a great start to our trip.

I was a little anxious about how the night time sleeping and nap times would go as Chloe was in the same room as we were and this is the first time we have all slept in the same room since the hospital. It went surprisingly well. There was only one night that Chloe realized we were in the same room and she did not want to sleep. She wanted to play and play and play. It was a long night, but one out of four nights is pretty good in my eyes. We spent a lot of time in the pool with the triple digit temps and 40% humidity. More importantly than the pool we had a lot of time to visit with our Texas family. Jeremy & Mandi came up from San Antonio and Karlie & Jeff also came into town for the weekend. We were so blessed and thankful that they all took time out of their weekend to come into town while we were there. We were also very grateful for all of our other family from Houston that made the trip as well. We also had a lot of reason to celebrate as it was Jeff's 22nd bday and Steve & Ermine's 30th wedding anniversary. It was a great trip and Chloe just fit right in like she has always been there.

Our flight back we had a lady in our row, but Chloe still did really well. She didn't fall asleep until the descend, but for the rest of the 2 hours she just played in our laps and was very happy. At the end of the flight we had multiple people tell us how good Chloe did during the flight. We were welcomed home by my dad. He had been there since the day before we left for Texas and still had another 5 days with us.

My mom also flew in for the weekend so it was another family filled weekend. Chloe was not a papaw's girl at all until his last evening. My mom came in on her first day and just sat down and fed Chloe and just picked her up and played on the floor. My dad was just amazed as Chloe would take toys from him, but then scoot back to me and would not let him carry her around. She does the same thing with Sabrina. I'm not sure why, but she likes to play games with both of them. We spent a lot of time just playing with the kids, swimming, eating and playing a few rounds of Euchre.

It has really been a great few weeks filled with family festivities, but on top of all of that Chloe is just changing daily. In Texas she drank iced tea out of a cup, had her first bites of a sno cone, crawling more on her knees and learned how to go up and down one step. When we got back home she discovered her tongue and has been constantly playing with her tongue, making noises with it, and just sticking it out all the time. She has also been pulling up and climbing on everything. We had to lower her crib to the lowest setting as she was pulling up and standing in her crib, but couldn't figure out how to get down so she would just stand there and once she got frustrated enough she would just start crying. Now that the crib is on the lowest setting she can't reach the top to pull herself up. Hopefully this will hold her off a little longer. Only time will tell.

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