Friday, July 15, 2011

8 months

What a month! Once Chloe began to crawl it has been non-stop. She is army crawling, getting up on her knees and crawling, pulling up on things to try and stand and she is able to get in a sitting position from her belly. She has discovered the doggy door and likes to go over and play with the flap. We are lucky that both dogs are a little unsure of her now that she is crawling so before they come in the door they poke their heads in to check and she is there waiting for them. One time Chloe was waiting by the door and Daisy poked her head in, but Chloe wouldn't move. So after a few minutes of waiting Daisy just started licking Chloe's head until Chloe finally moved after her head was all wet from Daisy.

Now that Chloe is on the go the dogs are also on the go in the opposite way. Its really funny that a little 16 pound baby can scare off a 55 and 100 pound dog. Its been great to see her developing, but it is definitely going by so quickly.

One of the other great things that I was very excited for was she is now eating (letting dissolve) little puffs for a snack. We can now eat at the table and give her a few puffs and she is completely happy. I have been waiting for this for a long time and I was so excited to finally be able to give her some. We weren't sure if she was ready, but one day after swimming at Sabrina's house Allie was having a Cheetos Puff and so we decided to let Chloe try one. She liked it and that was when we decided to go ahead and get some puffs for her.

We have also worked on her eating fruits. I've been told by about everyone that you start with veggies first because babies love the sweet taste of fruit and won't want to eat the veggies. Not my baby. She doesn't care too much for fruit. She takes about 3 spoonfuls of fruit and wants to be done, but with veggies she will eat 3/4 to the whole container. It is strange, but maybe she had too much fruit while she was in my belly. We keep trying fruit and maybe one day she will like them.

Another thing we have started this month is taking her out of her car seat and putting her in high chairs at restaurants and shopping carts. She likes it better than her car seat as it gives her more room to move around. It keeps her content longer to give us time to enjoy dinner.

We've had a great month and this next month will be busy with family visits and our doctor visit to the dermatologist. We will see what this next month brings.

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