Sunday, June 12, 2011

7 Months

Zach and Chloe in the very cold pool while I am the photographer nice and warm

Chloe turned 7 months over this weekend. I feel like this month went by so fast that I don't remember what happened although, I'm pretty certain it has been a great 7 months. We didn't go to the doctor this month, but we weighed her and she weighs 15 pounds 3 ounces.

Chloe finally received her first two teeth! We had noticed over Memorial Day weekend that we could see two little white lines at her gums and sure enough on Sunday before Memorial Day her two little bottom teeth popped through. She has also been sitting up a little on her own. She is still a bit wobbly, but she can keep herself up for a little bit before she topples over to the side.

We've put Chloe back on solid foods and she is doing much better. She now likes green beans, green peas and carrots. We tried sweet potatoes again, but the made her gassy and she woke up through the night so we quickly threw those out. We are going to stay with vegetables for another week or so and then we will start fruits.

Chloe in her new swing

Chloe has also gotten some new toys this month. We decided to get Chloe an exer-saucer to help her stand on her own a bit. She likes it for about 15 minutes and then she is too tired. Her newest toy and our new favorite toy is an outdoor swing. She loves her swing. She immediately gets relaxed and it is hard to break her out of her relaxed state. A few nights ago she fell asleep for about 45 minutes in the swing. Its nice to be able to spend a little time outside even in the heat. It has been pretty hot here, but the pool is still not too warm. Zach and Chloe get in it for about half hour, but I just put my feet in the pool because it is too cold for me!
Chloe before the zooErmine, Chloe & Zach feeding the giraffeSteve, Chloe & Zach looking at the stingrays at the AquariumZach holding Chloe so she won't jump in with the stingrays

Zach's parents were also just here for a visit. They came for a long weekend and we really enjoyed having them here. Chloe was a bit overwhelmed when they came in as she had just woken up from a nap and was eating her lunch. She quickly got over that and started giving everyone smiles. We had a great time just hanging around the house playing with Chloe, taking a few walks and going to the zoo. We went to a different zoo than what Zach and I had taken Chloe to before. We went to the Wildlife Zoo and Aquarium. Chloe didn't care much for most of the zoo. She stayed awake through some of it, but right when she woke up we were at the Giraffe feeding station. Ermine and Steve were at the top feeding the giraffes when Chloe woke up. So since she was awake Zach took Chloe up to feed the giraffes as well. The one that they were feeding had a really long tongue and he kept sticking it out. She smiled and laughed at the giraffe. The other part that Chloe liked was the aquarium. She liked looking at the fish, but what she really liked was the sting ray and shark petting area. She wanted to get in and play in the water. She kept reaching out for the water while Zach was holding on to her. It was funny. It was about 98 degrees when we left. We were all a little tuckered out and Chloe came home and slept for a long nap then we walked to get some pizza. It was a great trip and Chloe really liked all the attention and getting to know her grandparents.

We should have a pretty relaxing month and hopefully we will be able to go in the pool a bit more with the warmer weather.

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