Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Well Chloe is officially and constantly rolling over now. When my family was in town we spent a lot of time with Allie and Chloe would just stare at her because Allie would just roll and roll and roll. My family left on Wednesday and on Thursday I was talking to Zach and he said "SHE JUST ROLLED OVER!". He was so excited and it was very cute to hear the excitement in his voice. I had seen Chloe roll over a few times here and there, but every time I would try to capture it on camera she would stop so he had never seen her do it. So now she rolls from back to front with an occasional front to back roll. It was like she had studied Allie's technique and decided she could do it too.

We are very excited for her, but then it hit us. She decided roll over during her nap and then she woke up terrified because she was face down and didn't know how to get back the other way. She let out a big shrill and of course we rush into her room because she does not usually scream like that, and then we laughed as she is all swaddled up and on her belly. It was funny during nap time, but not funny during night time. She woke up at 5am this morning on her belly just screaming. It may be time to do away with the swaddle so she can roll herself back onto her back, but she still sleeps so good in her swaddle and without it she will often wake herself up. Oh the dilemma...

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