Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2 Months

I can't believe Chloe is already 2 months old. It seems like just yesterday we were in the hospital. Its definitely been a busy month with visits, but Chloe has also been growing quite a bit. She just went to her 2 month appointment and she has grown a whole inch and gained about a pound and a half. She is now 22 1/2 inches long and 10lbs 2oz. She is also smiling a ton and laughing every once in a while. It takes her a while to really start laughing and it is the funniest thing to hear, but it is so great to hear. She is also holding her head up very well and has started to "talk". She sometimes babbles herself to sleep.

She has also been sleeping anywhere from 7-9 hours a night which has been very nice. We give her tummy time every day, but we have to watch her because rather than raising her head she likes to fall asleep as it is comfortable for her. She can raise her head about a 45 degree angle. She also has had her first real bath and she loves the bath. When we would give her sponge baths she wasn't too fond of them, but she loves the real bath. Sometimes Zach will splash water on her belly and she tries to catch it in her mouth. She smiles really big every time.

The doctor said that she is just the perfect little baby and I would have to say that I would definitely agree! He said that her head is a great shape, he can see how well she holds her head and how well she focuses. He did say that she hasn't gained much color since the last time he saw her...sorry Chloe I think you are going to be pasty white like your mommy! She also got her first round of shots today and I must say that she did better than what I would have done. She had to get 3 shots in her thighs and she screamed but as soon as it was done she was perfectly fine like nothing happened.

I can't believe everything she is doing and I can't imagine what next month will be like. Maybe she will get more hair!

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