Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Glorious Milk!

So my first trimester is over and I was a little saddend that a switch didn't magically go off and all the things that made me nauseaous would taste wonderful to me now that I am out of the 1st trimester. In my 1st trimester milk and dairy made my stomach churn and that was a real bummer since every morning I would have a big cold glass of milk with my breakfast. Then my paranoid side came out and thought "oh great, my baby is probably allergic to milk." I had to trade my glass of milk in the morning for a glass of orange juice. Most people would think no big deal, but all I could remember is what the lady that worked at the dentist office with my mom would tell me. She use to tell me that when my mom was pregnant with me all she wanted was orange juice and that is why I had red hair for awhile. It made sense to me because no one in my family had red hair and where did this red hair come from. I told my mom this a few weeks ago and she tried to reassure me that drinking orange juice will not make my baby's hair red. I still kinda think it might.

So you can imagine that this morning when I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and without thinking poured a tall glass of milk I was a little shocked. After I poured it I thought "Oh well I guess we will see if the baby likes milk yet." And ya know what...the baby does! I drank that whole glass without my stomach churning or being nauseaous. I love milk. I'm so glad that now I can drink it again and hopefully my paranoia will be calmed about the orange juice making my baby's hair red and the lack of milk meaning my baby is allergic to milk.

On a side note...peanut butter is still not on the baby's list of likes. I just get nauseous thinking about it. Oh well, maybe some day I will be able to have my favorite PB&J sandwiches again...

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