Friday, May 28, 2010

17 Weeks Down and 23 Weeks To Go!

Well, today was my monthly check-up with my doctor. We were able to hear the heartbeat, but it took the baby a little bit of time to cooperate. The baby kept moving from side to side and flipping around so my doctor couldn't get a good reading on the heartbeat. At one point my doctor said that she thinks the baby just turned his/her back on the doctor because the heartbeat was really quiet. Finally, and by finally I mean like after just 5 or 10 minutes we were able to get a good reading. The babies heartbeat was at 140 which I guess is normal for a baby. So I guess the old wives tale of the heartbeat predicting the gender is out since the heartbeat is suppose to be below 140 to be a boy and above 140 to be a girl.

The good news is on June 10th we are suppose to find out if the baby is a boy or girl. Zach is convinced it will be another Batsche boy, but I'm not too sure. I just hope that our baby cooperates during the ultrasound so we can actually see if it is a boy or girl. If the baby doesn't cooperate then I know it is God teaching me patience..oh I really hope that's not the case!

I did find out a bit of bad news though...from my last appointment to this appointment (5 weeks) I have lost one pound. You may be thinking "Why is this a bad thing?", and I'll tell you why. If I don't start to gain wait at the right pace then they are going to recommend, and of course by recommend I mean force, me to drink at least one supplement shake a day. Think something like Ensure. YUCK! I tried to explain to the doctor that I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that all I want is fruit and before I was pregnant I could care less about fruit. So take the added fruit and add in the 2 liters of water I have to drink a day and then subtract the soda I use to have, it's no wonder why my body is re-distributing my weight. Even after telling her this she still said if I'm not where I need to be by the next appointment then I'll have to drink a shake.

Okay, so I guess the news could have been worse. Check back in a few weeks and we will hopefully be able to let everyone know what gender the baby will be and I can stop calling the baby "it".

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Glorious Milk!

So my first trimester is over and I was a little saddend that a switch didn't magically go off and all the things that made me nauseaous would taste wonderful to me now that I am out of the 1st trimester. In my 1st trimester milk and dairy made my stomach churn and that was a real bummer since every morning I would have a big cold glass of milk with my breakfast. Then my paranoid side came out and thought "oh great, my baby is probably allergic to milk." I had to trade my glass of milk in the morning for a glass of orange juice. Most people would think no big deal, but all I could remember is what the lady that worked at the dentist office with my mom would tell me. She use to tell me that when my mom was pregnant with me all she wanted was orange juice and that is why I had red hair for awhile. It made sense to me because no one in my family had red hair and where did this red hair come from. I told my mom this a few weeks ago and she tried to reassure me that drinking orange juice will not make my baby's hair red. I still kinda think it might.

So you can imagine that this morning when I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and without thinking poured a tall glass of milk I was a little shocked. After I poured it I thought "Oh well I guess we will see if the baby likes milk yet." And ya know what...the baby does! I drank that whole glass without my stomach churning or being nauseaous. I love milk. I'm so glad that now I can drink it again and hopefully my paranoia will be calmed about the orange juice making my baby's hair red and the lack of milk meaning my baby is allergic to milk.

On a side note...peanut butter is still not on the baby's list of likes. I just get nauseous thinking about it. Oh well, maybe some day I will be able to have my favorite PB&J sandwiches again...