Sunday, August 11, 2013

What's new with Chloe

It has been a great summer. It is almost over, but still a few more weeks until we send Chloe off to school....preschool that is :O) Chloe is getting so big. I feel silly even saying that because I feel that is something to say about Levi who is still a "baby". Chloe is talking and talking and wanting to be so independent. She's only two and a half and I feel like she is just too big. She is just a sponge, so observant to everything around her. She's been saying a lot of new phrases lately that sound funny coming from her and we wonder where she picks up on these things. Below are are some of her most used new phrases.

1. Well....
2. That's the thing
3. Calm down (insert name, normally mommy)
4. I tell you
5. I just told you
6. See
7. I'm busy 
8. I just be right back

Then one day we were having dinner and I used about 3 of them in a row and it was like a light went off. She's just picking up everything. She's starting to sing a lot of songs and she makes up the words when she doesn't know them. Zach says she sings just like me and remembers songs just like I do, which means she doesn't remember anything just a word or two and then mumbles through the rest. Chloe is also partially potty trained. She is fully potty trained during the day, but still at night and nap time she is in a diaper. She is also really interested in helping us cook. She likes to "spill" things in the bowl. It makes me smile when she wants to help cook. I am looking forward to the day that I can teach her how to bake and make all the wonderful casseroles and dumplings.

Chloe is really loving church right now. She loves to go to church and she loves to read the Bible. She will take her Bible to her Grammie's house, take it in the car when we go, read to Levi and want to sleep with it. She knows the stories and likes to "read" them to us. When we sit down to eat she says the prayer which normally just goes like Thank you for world, thank you for sweet, thank you Jesus for everything, Amen. Reading the Bible is something that gets her into bed. She will start to argue about going to bed, but when I tell her that Daddy is ready to read a story she normally gets up and runs to her room. I'm glad she feels so comfortable and enjoys church so much because that is where her preschool is. I'm ready for her to get the experience and the benefits of preschool, but it just means she is growing up right before us!
Her first cone...she loves ice cream, but this was her first cone. It takes her a long time to finish it, but she will eat every bite including the cone.
Zach found a little splash park near our house to take the kids to. They love it as long as there isn't a large group of other kids there.
Chloe was riding her horse to Papa's house..she only made it a few laps around the kitchen.
It was raining all day and as we walked back to the truck after church Chloe had to hold the umbrella, however, she was the only one of the four of us that made it under the umbrella. It looked like an umbrella with legs from behind.
Daddy was teaching Chloe how to cut peppers...maybe not the best idea, but she had fun. No accidents :)
She was suppose to be taking a nap, but instead she was looking out her bedroom window.
We went for a check up and this was the first time Chloe had to wear a gown..she looked so cute
Doing some intense coloring...or so it looks
Chloe running around with her new back pack or "pack pack" as she calls it
Baking with Mommy, warms my heart

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