Saturday, May 25, 2013

What's a Tornado Warning?

I have always loved springtime. I love the warmer weather where it isn't too hot yet, the longer days of sun and just getting out and playing outside again after the winter. What I don't like is this Texas spring. One day it is cold the next really hot and humid. Then there are the storms. I love a good thunderstorm, but not these kinds of storms. They have tornadoes here...its a common thing...I'm pretty sure Zach didn't tell me how frequent they were. About a week ago we were sitting in our family room, which has 7 large windows that line the room, and the tornado siren goes off and the TV flashes with the weather alert. It kept saying tornado warning. Now I'm not from Texas I don't know the difference between a watch and a warning. My logical thinking was that a watch is where it says "hey, watch out there may be a tornado coming." and then the tornado warning would be where it says "hey, this is your warning a tornado was spotted." So while I watched the TV flash every 5-10 minutes with the Tornado watch information we sat there. I asked Zach to look up and confirm that was the correct meaning for the watch/warning weather alerts. He said that it was the opposite from what I we sat there. Wind howling and rain coming down in our window filled room.

The next day I go into work and everyone is telling their tornado stories. I then asked why were people getting in their safe spots when it was just a watch. They looked at my funny and so I clarified what I thought a watch meant. Then I realized, my so wonderful husband let me believe the opposite in efforts not to freak me out. Sweat gesture, but come on we need a plan in place. So now I am well aware of the difference. Trying to figure out this Texas weather and trying to remind myself why we left a place that the only natural disaster was dust storms...

A New Member of the Family

We've had a great month or so. The kids are changing and growing like weeds. We also added a new four legged member to the family member. So a quick update. Chloe is in her big girl bed, going to pre-school at our church next fall, using full sentences, and being as goofy as every. Levi is now running, eating everything in sight, using actual words and cheesing it for any photo opportunity. That was a quick update below are some fun photos from the spring.
Chloe is trying out Levi's T-ball set. She can actually hit pretty good when she wants to.
Bringing our new dog, Maggie a four month old Black and Tan Coonhound home.
Levi and Mommy swinging on the hammock on Mother's Day
Chloe and Mommy swinging on the hammock on Mother's Day
Chloe trying Dip n Dots for the first time. She was a little confused as she was expecting normal ice cream rather than frozen ice cream balls.
Levi enjoying so spaghetti o's on the table
First boat trip of the year
Levi doesn't just eat his food, he becomes his food.
Chloe had fallen asleep laying in her room at the door. Yes, she is wearing shoes. We often find her with shoes on when we wake her up from her nap.
Chloe LOVES corn on the cob.
Chloe catching Grumpy on the slide.
Levi doesn't last long on the hammock, he falls right to sleep.
Meet Levi's Baby. He loves his baby.
Daisy playing with her new sister.
Cookie Face!
I can't wait for this summer. We have a big road trip planned to Disney and the beach. And at the beach will be my family, which will be a lot of fun. Not so much ready for the humidity, but I guess it comes with the territory. Welcome back curly hair, it was a nice 6 years that I didn't have to deal with you, but now you are back.