Thursday, April 12, 2012

Past few weeks

Chloe enjoying some DQ ice cream. She is a strawberry lover like her mother. She did not want her dad's chocolate ice cream sundae.

Chloe being silly shaking her water and ice
Trying to get a picture of Chloe winking (mommy was too slow with the camera) while at Subway enjoying lunch after taking our first family walk, Levi included.

Chloe wearing her crazy socks for and picnic at Westgate
Chloe in her new Shades (thanks to Mamaw) and new shirt/dress (thanks to cousin Sydney)
The past few weeks have been challenging at times starting with the crazy man trying to get in and then Levi in the NICU, our A/C breaking and finally bringing home Levi, but they have also been some of the best family bonding times as well. My parents were in town over my Dad's spring break which luckily happened to fall right when I was due so both my parents were able to be here. My parents got here the Wednesday before my due date and since I didn't deliver until the Thursday after my due date we had a full week of spending time with my parents as well as my sister and her family and a few of my dad's friends/old high school teachers of mine for that week. We went to the park, baseball spring training games and bike rides among other things. I should say that by bike ride I mean everyone else rode bikes while I followed in my sister's golf cart. I was 40 weeks pregnant there was no way I would be getting on a bike.

We were also able to spend some good quality time with Chloe since Zach was off as well. I was/am so paranoid that Chloe will feel left out and I want to make sure that she doesn't feel like she is any less special now that she has a brother who needs more hands on care than she does.

While we were going to doctors appointments, our hospital stay and the frequent visits back to the hospital for feeding Levi while he was still in the NICU Chloe was with my parents. She got a lot of quality time with her Mamaw and Papaw as well as her cousins. Chloe has always been a Mamaw's girl, but it was definitely intensified. Even when we were home she would often prefer Mamaw to change her diaper or Mamaw to help her with her toys. She would look and ask for Mamaw and Papaw. It was really nice to know how smitten she was with her grandparents and vice verse. It was definitely reassuring to know that we were leaving her in great hands while we were tending to Levi. We can't thank them enough for helping out and my mom for staying until Levi came home from the hospital even after Daisy ate my mom's hamburger one afternoon and ran out of the house with Buster on both my parents.

In the next few weeks Zach's parents will be in time and I'm sure Chloe will be just as smitten and just as big of a ham when they are here too. She was such a ham for my parents. Chloe is in that fun stage where she is talking a lot more and mimicking everything. I can't wait for the next few months to unfold and all the family time we will get together.

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