Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I've never called 911 or had the need to call 911, but in the past month 911 has been called from our home twice!
Chloe likes to play with our phone and pretend to talk to her daddy. She loves to turn the phone on and hear the operator come on and say "If you would like to make a call..." She has called Zach once on accident, but no one else. Normally when she has our phone I follow her pretty closely to make sure she doesn't call anyone. It just so happened that she was playing with the phone and dialed 91111111. I got to the phone before it rang on their end and I was hoping we were safe, but I was also expecting a sheriff to arrive at the front door and make sure everything was okay. That was not the case. About 5 minutes later I got a call from 911 stating that they received a call and wanted to make sure everything was okay. I apologized and said it was an accident by my daughter and everything was okay. I still kind of sat a little nervous expecting them to come out and double check since I did say my daughter called and didn't reference the age of her. No one ever came out to the house that I know of. So we were in the clear.
Today, was a little different. It was about 4:30pm and Chloe and I were playing downstairs when I heard the front door knob turn and it sounded like someone was trying to force their way in. I first sat there in shock and partially thought Zach was coming home early to surprise me and just was having troubles with the door or it was my sister trying to be funny. I was definitely wrong. After a few seconds I went up to the door and looked out the peep hole. There was a man outside trying to get in. My heart started racing and I really didn't know what to do. I could tell he was an older gentleman and he had a broom. I quickly went to the back door and shut and locked it.
The man kept telling me to let him in so he could get his daughter. I would respond back asking who he was and that he had the wrong house and his daughter wasn't here. I could tell he was an older gentleman and was obviously confused, but I was still terrified as he was trying really hard to get in the door. After a few minutes I decided I should call 911 because I didn't know what else to do.
The 911 dispatcher was very nice and was asking everything that was going on. She had said a sheriff had been sent out to my house and would be there shortly. After what felt like eternity I asked her how long until the Sheriff was there and she very nicely said, "I know you are scared, but it has only been 2 minutes and they will be there as soon as possible." I was breathing pretty heavy and she was trying to keep me calm by asking if I was there alone and all of those kind of questions. I told her I was home with my two dogs and 1 1/2 year old daughter and that I was 9 months pregnant. She started asking about my pregnancy and when I told her my due date was less than a week away she was very sympathetic and reassured me again that help was on the way and told me to stay calm as I didn't need this kind of stress.
The man had a broom and would start sweeping our porch and then come and knock on the window, which scared me even more as I was afraid he would try to throw the broom through the window or something to get in. The dispatcher chuckled a little bit when I told her that he wasn't using our broom and he brought it himself. He was clearly disoriented, but I was not going to open the door and have him still convinced his daughter was in the house.
The sheriff finally arrived after what seemed like forever, but it was only about 10-15 minutes. He came up and talked to the old man and then came to the door and I opened the door just as much as the chain would allow since Chloe and the dogs were trying to see what was going on. The sheriff explained that the man was disoriented and appeared to be suffering from Alzheimer's and that he was going to take him and find out where he lived. What scared me again was that the old man tried to tell the Sheriff that the two dogs were his and the little girl inside was his. I immediately said "No, they are not. This is not your house." The sheriff got on to me and said not to argue because the old man didn't know what was going on, but in my head the sheriff needed to know that the dogs and Chloe were not this old man's.
About 5-10 minutes after the sheriff left with the old man he came back and explained that the old man actually is living NEXT DOOR with his daughter! I had never seen him before and I was shocked that he was next door. He said that it appeared the old man was sweeping rocks from the sidewalk and came up to our door thinking it was his and that he dropped off the man at the house and if we see him wandering again just to call and say George is out and they will come escort him back home. The sheriff then made me feel like an idiot and said he understands that it was scary, but that the man was not out to hurt us and blah blah blah. In my head I wanted to say, that's fine but I still have the right to be upset as someone whom I've never seen is trying forcefully to get in the house. Clearly the sheriff has never been 9 months pregnant and 100 times more emotional than normal!
When Zach got home I was able to laugh about it a bit as I had about an hour to calm down and reflect. So we are all fine and now I'm just paranoid. I told Zach that I want to put another deadbolt on the door because if this old man got out once he will probably get out again and I would like to seal the door and have locks up and down the door so I feel a bit safer.

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