Monday, November 21, 2011

Grandparents Visit

Chloe, Grumpy & Grammie Round 2 w/Grammie & Grumpy. Don't let the mess fool you, she still didn't eat the cake! I just couldn't resist posting this :) Grammie & Chloe on the Carosel We've reached our destination on the hike...the waterfall?

We just had a great two weeks and over those two weeks Chloe's grandparents came out for a visit. Steve and Ermine came in late in the evening on Chloe's birthday to spend a quick weekend with her over her first birthday weekend. We went out for a walk/hike in the nearby mountains, had a picinic at the park, visited the Phoenix zoo and had a belated (only by a few days) birthday cake/celebration for Chloe and an early (only by a few days) birthday cake/celebration for Zach. Chloe also actually enjoyed some Texas Roadhouse bread for the first time. She normally isn't too fond of breads, but she actually took some. She also started saying "Thank You", not necessarily at the right times or all the times, but we are working on it.

Chloe, Mamaw & Allie

Chloe, Sabrina & Allie on Santa's lap at the National Adoption Day Event
All of us with the Judge at Allie's adoption finalization
Chloe and Mamaw on Mamaw's last day

A few days after Steve and Ermine left my mom came for a visit. It was suppose to be just a few day lay-over on her way back from Bankok, but the trip was cancelled so she just came out anyways. It was a busy and great trip. I'm always shocked to see how well Chloe takes to my mom, especially since she has some issues with my dad, but this trip was like all the rest. Chloe would crawl right up to mom for her to pick Chloe up. The first morning Chloe was a bit timid and playing shy, but after she had some breakfast she was ready to play. We went out to dinner with the Fischer clan at a great BBQ place for Zach's birthday (well really for my mom because it is her favorite). My mom also offered to watch Chloe for an evening so Zach and I could go out to a movie. That is always a nice surprise! Then on Saturday we spent the morning at the football field to watch Calvin & Wes win the flag football championship and were able to go to the courthouse to watch Allie's AZ adoption be finalized on National Adoption Day. Then we did some shopping and playing in the park with all the kids.

Both grandparent vists were great and I'm sure that Chloe enjoyed visiting/playing with her grandparents as much as they enjoyed it. We also enjoy watching the interaction and seeing Chloe get to know her grandparents since they all live so far away!

Next up....Thanksgiving!!!
Chloe all tuckered out after her two big visits with her grandparents

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