Monday, November 21, 2011

Grandparents Visit

Chloe, Grumpy & Grammie Round 2 w/Grammie & Grumpy. Don't let the mess fool you, she still didn't eat the cake! I just couldn't resist posting this :) Grammie & Chloe on the Carosel We've reached our destination on the hike...the waterfall?

We just had a great two weeks and over those two weeks Chloe's grandparents came out for a visit. Steve and Ermine came in late in the evening on Chloe's birthday to spend a quick weekend with her over her first birthday weekend. We went out for a walk/hike in the nearby mountains, had a picinic at the park, visited the Phoenix zoo and had a belated (only by a few days) birthday cake/celebration for Chloe and an early (only by a few days) birthday cake/celebration for Zach. Chloe also actually enjoyed some Texas Roadhouse bread for the first time. She normally isn't too fond of breads, but she actually took some. She also started saying "Thank You", not necessarily at the right times or all the times, but we are working on it.

Chloe, Mamaw & Allie

Chloe, Sabrina & Allie on Santa's lap at the National Adoption Day Event
All of us with the Judge at Allie's adoption finalization
Chloe and Mamaw on Mamaw's last day

A few days after Steve and Ermine left my mom came for a visit. It was suppose to be just a few day lay-over on her way back from Bankok, but the trip was cancelled so she just came out anyways. It was a busy and great trip. I'm always shocked to see how well Chloe takes to my mom, especially since she has some issues with my dad, but this trip was like all the rest. Chloe would crawl right up to mom for her to pick Chloe up. The first morning Chloe was a bit timid and playing shy, but after she had some breakfast she was ready to play. We went out to dinner with the Fischer clan at a great BBQ place for Zach's birthday (well really for my mom because it is her favorite). My mom also offered to watch Chloe for an evening so Zach and I could go out to a movie. That is always a nice surprise! Then on Saturday we spent the morning at the football field to watch Calvin & Wes win the flag football championship and were able to go to the courthouse to watch Allie's AZ adoption be finalized on National Adoption Day. Then we did some shopping and playing in the park with all the kids.

Both grandparent vists were great and I'm sure that Chloe enjoyed visiting/playing with her grandparents as much as they enjoyed it. We also enjoy watching the interaction and seeing Chloe get to know her grandparents since they all live so far away!

Next up....Thanksgiving!!!
Chloe all tuckered out after her two big visits with her grandparents

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Results Are In....

We are having a BOY!!!

We went to the doctor this week and it is very clear that we are having a boy. Zach has been convinced the entire time it was a boy and he was correct. The ultrasound tech said that the baby was very active and looked good. There was nothing that she was concerned about so we were very happy about that. She also said that our boy was not shy at all!

Now it is time to start narrowing down our names and nursery ideas.

Friday, November 11, 2011

1 Year

Jenna's 1st the same look as Chloe was giving.

Chloe looking at Allie while Allie was enjoying Chloe's cake

]Chloe is now 1 year old! We've had a busy week and a busy couple of weeks coming up. On Chloe's birthday we had a nice family day and that night Sabrina, Adam and the kids came over for some Buffalo Wild Wings and cake to celebrate Chloe and Zach's birthdays. Chloe did not care much for her cake. I would have to say it wasn't the prettiest thing around, but she wouldn't have cared if it was prettier. Zach put some icing on her lips and that still did not help. She did get icing in her hair, on her dress and all over the table, but that was just because she was trying to get it off of her fingers. Chloe shared some icing with Allie and she liked it much better than Chloe did. Zach had an ice cream cake and Chloe preferred that one much better. She did get a lot of toys and a new "big girl" carseat. It was definitely a big day for her!

Now we have Zach's parents, my mom and then a Thanksgiving trip up north to get ready for this month!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October Festivities

October has been a fun filled month. We spent a day at the Arizona State Fair and then two days celebrating Halloween. Lets start out with the State fair.

Ever since we moved to Arizona we always say that we are going to make it out to the state fair. Every time we drive by and see the large ferris wheel Zach sighs and longs for a smoked turkey leg and funnel cakes. We finally made it out this year. We had to scope out all of the food stands and walk down the aisles so Zach could choose just the right turkey leg stand with not too long of a line. So Zach got himself a turkey leg and we sat down and ate. Then we went over to the animal barns. It must have been sheep and cow week as that is pretty much the only animals besides chickens and ducks. Chloe was fascinated with the animals. She watched with bright wide eyes at all the animals. There was one little sheep that was bahing and so then Chloe said in a real quiet voice "ah ah ah". It was cute. Then after the animals we walked around people watching and Chloe was staring at all the lights. She did so good and had a good time. Zach was able to get his funnel cake on the way out so all in all it was a good trip.

So after our State Fair stink wore off it was time to get ready for Halloween weekend. We looked through alot of costumes and because it is still in the 80s outside we didn't think a large furry costume would be a good idea. So we decided on Minnie Mouse. We only had to get the ears and a pink shirt as we already had the tights and skirt. I just had to sew on white circles and BAM she was Minnie Mouse. Then Zach was wondering what he should be and he decided to be Mickey. We just had a get a few things for him and I sewed on large white circles for buttons and yellow felt on his shoes. It was then his idea to paint his nose black. I'm pretty sure Zach had the better time dressing up as he was all smiles while Chloe barely gave any smiles while she was dressed up.

On Saturday we went with Sabrina and the kids to the local ballpark for a Halloween festival. It was fun. The kids and Zach were in a costume contest/parade and there were a ton of rides and bouncy houses for the kids. Chloe and Allie pretty much stayed in the wagon, but we still had a fun time. Zach went on a ride with the boys too. We spent a couple hours there and then we went through the drive through at McDonalds. Zach was still in full costume with ears and all. The people laughed and he was pretty proud of himself.

On Halloween night we went over and met the Fischer family to go trick or treating in their neighborhood. Zach pulled the wagon with Allie and Chloe while the boys ran from house to house getting candy. Chloe was holding on for dear life in the wagon. It was really funny. Allie was just talking up a storm. Finally the last few houses Chloe and Allie started talking to each other and Chloe loosened up her grip a bit. It was a great evening. Chloe got Zach and I a lot of candy to eat.

It has been a great month of festivities and November will bring another great month. Chloe will turn 1, my mom will be out, Zach's parents will be out here and we will find out if we are having a girl or boy the mid-end of November. Another great month to look forward to!