Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Uhh Oh....Here Comes Levi

And it has begun...Zach has been wanting this to happen for so long (a month or so) and now it has started...(you must be on the full website to view video not on mobile or email version)

What's been going on..

Its been a great start to the new year. We've done a lot and the kids are just changing all the time.

Chloe is starting to say full sentences and really want to help with her brother. She enjoys giving her stuffed animals "check ups" like Doc McStuffins does on Disney Jr. She can be quite a little stinker and we have had to crack down again and not let her get away with so much, but she is getting much better. She is definitely going through a little phase right now. She just told Zach the other day "Chloe not nice girl, Chloe mean girl." Zach said she lived up to that statement that day. She still really loves to read and color and help out when she can. We have started potty training a little bit. She hasn't been too interested and in the past she has not liked the potty seat and would through a fit to sit on it, now she is at least sitting without too much of a fight. It will come when she is ready. She loves to have her nails and toenails painted and dance and sing. She is still really funny and big on copying what we do. Her recent phrases are things like "Oh my goodness", "Seriously", "No Fussies", "Are you okay?" and more of that sort.

Levi of course has been moving and grooving. He is starting to walk and climb and babble all of the time. He likes anything that his sister has. He now has 6 teeth! Levi eats real bananas and loves the little baby melt in your mouth Cheetos. He is doing new things every day.
Our Expedition was in the shop for about a week so we had to improvise just in case Zach and the kids had to go out for an emergency while I was at work. Luckily they never actually had to go out!
Levi will climb on anything and everything
Chloe's "silly face" and kool-aid mustache
We had to get a belt for Chloe and she thought it was a new headband
Like I said...he can climb on anything
This is what Chloe was wearing (by her choice) after saying she was a mean girl
What kid doesn't like unrolling an entire roll of toilet paper?!?!
Levi enjoying his bananas
Chloe's "Kissing" face
Chloe watching a movie while on the potty